Chapter 13 Two Pieces

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Chloe p.o.v

I get out of my car and look over at Luke trying not to cry. " Well... this is it I guess..." I say letting out a sigh. Luke nods as he wraps his large arms around me and tucking his face in my neck. "I'll miss you so much Chloe but I have to go back you know this... We're just.. starting to get more popular." He says. " By popular you mean famous." I say. I hug him tighter trying to make him stop talking. "Luke?" He kisses me but I move away and pull myself away from him as I take a deep breath and say the hardest thing I've ever wanted to say in my life.

" I'm leaving I.. think we should break up." I say turning so my back will face him

I pull my hand to my mouth to hold back a sob and notice I'm wearing his red flannel. "C-chloe you're crazy to think that! I love you no matter what." He says walking over to me I feel his hands on my shoulders before dodging his touch. " You're going to get all famous and forget about me and hook up with that girl again huh?" I snap he looks at me confused. " What girl?" I ask confused. Chloe pulls her hands out of the sleeve of my shirt. " Aubrey." I seethe. " Oh..."Chloe we can work this out honest please baby." He says."Don't call me that anyway you have a plane to catch so I suggest getting away from me." I yell fear sparks in Luke's eyes " That accident must have messed up your brain," He yells that's it I think as I get in her car and slams the door before driving away.

Luke P.O.V

I text Ashton that I'm on my way back but not that Chloe and I are done. I don't honestly believe we are anyway, she will call me again and apologize saying she's sorry and misses me and where we should travel together right? I sit on the plane gazing out the window. I look at my lock screen picture of Chloe on the beach wearing a flower crown. I meet Calum at the airport. " How's Chloe?" I ignore his question by looking out the window. "Nice place New York."I comment my fingers mess with my lip ring. " Luke you okay? You seem upset."

"I"M NOT UPSET!" I yell making Calum swerve slightly. " Luke Hemmings what the hell is wrong with you?" Calum asks turning to look at me as we reach a stop light . "Chloe... she broke up with me at the airport she said we were done... she thinks I will forget about her when the band makes it big." I whisper fighting back tears( when it comes to Chloe I'm so weak) " She what? Oh man I'm sorry." Calum frowns at me as the light finally changes. We get to the arena where we go back to the dressing rooms. Michael is strumming a guitar while Ashton is nowhere to be seen. " Luke! Welcome back how's Chloe?" He asks everyone loves my ex- girlfriend huh? " Not dating me and bitter that's how she is." I snap before going to find something to wear. I get dressed and tune my guitar before a string pops making me curse to myself as the door opens. " Well someone is pissed." Ashton says I don't look over at him as I look for some more strings. The show that night is okay but my voice gives out during Try Hard so I just play and let the other guys sing for me. I'm the first of stage as I head right to the dressing room trying not to think about her but I can't "Luke what's wrong?" Darcy asks sitting next to me as I plop down on a couch.

"Chloe broke up with me and I don't even know why! Her mum said she could't come with me on tour, she got mad and then said I would forget about her when the band gets more popular ( highly doubt that) and then she drove away wearing one of my shirts." I say now feeling out of breath. Darcy nods sympathetically. " If you love something let it go, and if you are supposed to be together then... she will find you." I smile a little and Darcy winks at me before she gets off the chair across from me and opens the door.

Later that not on the bus I decide to write a new song...


Wait don't tell me heaven

is a place on earth

I wish I could rewind all

the times that I didn't

show you what you're really worth

The way that you held me

I wish that I'd put you first

I was wrong I admit

Numb from your kiss

While you were slipping through my fingertips

Taking every breath away

With all of the mistakes I've made

From all the letters that I've saved

This is everything I didn't say

I wish I could've made you stay

And I'm the only one to blame

I know that it's a little too late

This is everything I didn't say

This is everything I didn't say

Wake me up now

And tell me this is all a bad dream

All the songs that I wrote

All the wrongs that I hoped would erase from your memory

Holding onto a broken and empty heart

Flowers I should've bought

All the hours I lost

Wish I could bring it back to the start

Taking every breath away

With all of the mistakes I've made

From all the letters that I've saved

This is everything I didn't say

I wish I could've made you stay

And I'm the only one to blame

I know that it's a little too late

This is everything I didn't say

I hope you know

For you I'd sacrifice

To make this right

Some day I'm sure

We'll pass each other by

Until that time

Taking every breath away

With all of the mistakes I've made

From all the letters that I've saved

This is everything I didn't say

I wish I could've made you stay

And I'm the only one to blame

I know that it's a little too late

This is everything I didn't say

Beside You (sequel to Better Together)Where stories live. Discover now