Chapter 10 Say Something

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Luke P.o.V

"Hello?" I say into my phone it's almost midnight as I  sit on the couch on the bus watching Calum and Ashton play Xbox. I feel so exhusted as I blink trying to stay awake. "It's Chloe's mom." 


"Have you heard about Chloe yet?" She asks this gets my attention heard about what? 

"No what happened?" I ask. 

"She got into a really bad car accident she's in a coma, I diden't know if you've talked to her before hand. She went to a party and then I got the call that she got in a crash and appaerently had some drinks that were in her system. " She says I almost stop breathing as I try to prosses all that she said. Chloe's hurt she's in a coma." I thanks for telling me I'll try to come home uh bye." I hangs up and put my head in my hands and let out a quite sob. "Luke what is it?" Darcy asks as she climbs out of Ashton's bunk her green eyes look concerned. "Chloe.." I choke out. 

"What is it?" Ashton asks turning to look at me. "She got in a car accident, she's in a coma she was drunk and she drove herself home and... I have to get back to Sydney I can't stay here not now I have to see her, see if she's ok and if not say... goodybe.." My voice cracks as I cry I can't loose her we've only been together for a year. "Oh my god." Is all Darcy manages to say. Ashton says nothing as he just looks at me sadly. "I'm sure she'll be ok I mean it's Chloe." Calum says. I lift my head up and look at my feet. "Who do I talk to so I can leave I mean I'm sorry but I have to." I say. "Everyone is asleep though try in the morining I'm sure you can go  everyone will understand." Darcy says. I nod as I go to my bunk and think about Chloe.  

+Next Day+

Right now I'm boarding a plane to Sydney and trying not to let my nerves get to me. I love Chloe more than anything in the world. I remember the last words we said about how we should break up cause I hung out with Aubry. I mean she's a gorgous girl but not as beautiful as Chloe, that and she's a bit of a brat really. I stay awake thinking the whole flight from Vegas to Sydney thinking about all the recent fights and words that we said. What if those are the last words she ever hears from me? I get to the airport and one of my friends picks me up and drops me off at the hospital. I go to the front desk and ask what floor she is on. I go up to the fourth floor and  jog down the hall to Chloe's room. My heart is pouding and I feel tears prick my eyes. She can't die she can't... I walk in and my breath is sucked out of me. She has bandages all over  and is hooked to so many machines. I walk over and kiss her cheeck and look at the dried blood near her eye. "Hey.. It's me Luke..." I take her hand in mine and rub my thumb over it.  "I'm sorry about our fight and for being away from you for so long, for being a horrid boyfriend I know you hate me..." I say I kiss her again and start to cry. "Chloe come back please just forget all the stupid things we said and..."  I falter for words as I begin to sob. She looks pretty bad, I mean the car was speeding pretty fast when they hit her.  I wish to see her gray eyes again more than anything.  I stay at the hospital over night with her trying to sleep.  I wake up though at 2 AM  to the beeping of some machine. A nurse  comes in and presses a button. 

"Will she live?" I ask desperation evident in my voice. She looks at me sadness in her eyes. "Will she?" I ask quietly. She disen't reply but leaves the room  and shuts the heavy door that closes with a dull thud

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