yellow the mellow fellow

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wtf how does this have 113 reads fran is this all you? prob
you are loosing brain cells
just wanted to say to all my zero haters that i am the shit now
not the cool shit
literal shit
lit shit

they entered into the Jesus cult with the large groups of sad old people.
"I am your God, I am your life, I am your biggest inspiration" said Jesus II in the faint background. Hundreds of people danced around a burning goat.

"What did we get ourselves into..." Noot said. A man wearing a fanny pack filled with spaghetti noodles walked up to Noot and Thomato.
"Hi my name is Cletus and I am going to show you around"

"Well as a matter of fa-" Thomato was cut off as Cletus snatched both of their arms and dragged them into the tent center. In the center filled green tents, clearly decked out with Jesus ll memorabilia, for which they purchased at the overpriced Jesus ll gift shop.

"This will be your tent." Cletus yelled and ran away quick.
Noot and Thomato had nowhere to go, for the bus has left and wouldn't be back for another week.
"Fuuuuuck" Noot said

They had a roommate named Yellow. In his tent square sat hundreds of Jesus ll pictures, and a singular picture of the rappers from black sheep.

"What are we going to do." Thomato said bright eyed.
"I have no idea, let's just stay for a week. It can't be that bad"

In came their roommate, who smelled like ass. He clearly peed his pants, which explains his nickname. His hair was nonexistent and he had two front teeth and transparent eyebrows.

"I'm yellow quite a mellow fellow." Said yellow the mellow fellow.

Immediately once he walked in, Noot and Thomato knew it was going to be a long week full of creepy racist spaghetti noodle loving cult members. 

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