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We walk in and head up to bed, I place Niall's guitar outside his door. I do my usual bedtime routine. I walk out of the bathroom again to see Harry sitting up in bed, thinking.

"What are you thinking about?"

(Harry's P.O.V)

What am I thinking about? Well, this may sound weird Eli, but I am planning on going to the Elders to ask them, if there was a slight chance you could give birth, would we be allowed to keep the child? Oh and I was also thinking about the wolves and if they would attack us, no biggie. Oh and also the small chance The Wanted might come back after they realise Siva is never going to come back.

"Life." I lie.

"Deep. I used to lie awake and ponder. I used to as the question 'why do we exist, only to die?' And I think how incredible humans are, spreading, each having their own feelings and thoughts."

"Deep" I reply. She smiles. Oh, that smile makes my heart melt. I smile back.

"I've just realised you've got dimples." I am shocked. "I see you are surprised."


"Sorry, I get lost in your eyes." Aw, she knows how to be romantic.

"Ok, let me come clean." I sit up more, I take her hands and hold them on my lap. "I was thinking, that if we were to have the rare chance of having a baby, if I should go and ask the Elders for permission again. They'll probably think I am weird, but I still want to ask."

"I've been thinking the same."


"Yes." omg. I am not one to use that 'language' but I am really happy, surprised, and slightly cautious at the same time

"Do you want to come with me? To Italy?" I ask her.

"Hells yeah!" She says. She hugs me, I draw her back and kiss her. "How should we tell the boys?"

"Just tell them, they won't mind it."

"Are we allowed to hunt in Italy?"

"Animals, not humans." She nods her head yes. "Are you thirsty?" I mean, I feel burning in my throat, but it's not to bad.

"Yeah." She answers my question. She gets up to get dressed.

"How do the clothes fit?" I ask her,

"Perfectly!" She tells me from inside her wardrobe.

"Good." I get up and go into my wardrobe. I pick out some black skinny jeans, for some reason I have loads, and a white shirt.. I come out, doing up the buttons on my shirt, to find Eli in floral shorts and a navy t-shirt from Hollister. "You look amazing." I say walking over to her.

"Thanks, you too." She bites her lip. She is so adorable when she does that! "We didn't sleep."

"Are you tired?"

"No, what's the time?"

"2 am" I answer. "Should we wait till dawn to hunt? I doubt any 'big animals' are awake yet."

"Sure" we stand there awkwardly.

"Shall we watch something?"

"Do you have Mean Girls?"

"Yes." She smiles.

"Where. Is. It." I chuckle.

"Follow me."  I run to the DVD shelf and grab the case. I run back to the living room and switch on the TV and the DVD player.

"You have a HD?"

"Yup" I reply. I open the drawer thingy and put the DVD in. "You want popcorn?"

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