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Day by day, the sudden visions and (sometimes) hallucinations became more frequent and deeper. Harri became more and more reluctant to leave the house sometimes, he would make an excuse and come home early from work. I didn't really have anything to do during the day except expect another sort of vision.

I remember vividly the one I had yesterday, it involved someone performing an autopsy on my body whilst my mind was still there, and I could feel every cut made.

At two o'clock, I make myself poached egg on toast- for breakfast. I have been sleeping in later than usual, whether it's because I stay up all night remembering a terrible occurrence during the day or because I'm scared something will happen in the middle of the night- I don't know; maybe both.

At four o'clock, Harri marches in through the door and immediately asks if anything has happened.

"No, it's been clear today," I answer, looking down at my iPhone screen. "Why are you home so early?"

"Boss let me, I told him that you've been having mental unwellness and he understands; his daughter has the same sort of thing, she hears voices etc."

"Oh, will he let you do this everyday?"

"If I work hard enough during the day, then yes."

"Well, your boss is nice..." He comes and sits next to me. He lies down and rests his head in my lap. He gently touches his fingertips to my jaw bone and stares at my lips. My fingers automatically travel to his hair and I start playing with the stray groups of hair. He closes his eyes and lets his hand drop to my stomach. I want to flinch away; I've gained quite a bit of weight. He opens his eyes again; they're gold.

"I love you," he whispers. My heart flutters.

"I love you too." He hooks the back of my neck with his fingers and draws our faces so close together that we are sharing the same airspace.

"I don't have work tomorrow."


"I don't have to wake up early."


"I can look after you."

"Yeah." He kisses me softly.

"I won't ever let you out of my sight."

"Good," he kisses me again. His hand moves to the outside of my thigh and rests there. We keep kissing. After a few seconds, he moves he head away from my lap and sits next to me; kissing me; stroking my leg gently. I begin to lean downwards, hoping he would understand what I was trying to say.

He did.

"Babe," he catches himself on top of me and moves his lips to my ear. "Do you want to go upstairs?" His words soft and suggestive.

Am I ready?

We both know where this is going.

I might die soon.

Fuck it, I'm ready.

"Yes," I whisper back. I couldn't catch my breath. His breath sweeps over my neck briefly before his face comes into my view. He takes a leg in each hand and pulls the knees so they're behind his back. "I'm a lot heavier than before, you might not..."

"El, I think you're forgetting I'm a vampire." Shit, that's right. I was starring righ into his bright golden eyes and I forgot the unnaturalness of it. "Put your arms around my neck, it'll be safer to carry you." I nod and put my arms around his neck. His arms move up my legs slowly and he pulls me up, kneeling on the sofa. He stands up fully and walks slowly upstairs.

Our eyes never leave each other's. I've never done this before. His eyes; bright golden; beautiful. His lips; full; perfect. His body; holding me; strong.

A strange tingling feeling covers my chest; I try to breathe again.

Yes, that's right Elizabeth, inhale; exhale. After what seemed like forever, we reach the bedroom. His eyes still trained on mine, he lowers me excruciatingly slowly onto the soft, ready-made bed. He looks down upon me and kisses me passionately.

I know then; I'm ready to make this commitment.


I lie there, naked, underneath the covers- Harri in the same situation as I.

His arm is wrapped around my soft body; our legs intertwined; my head rests on his chest. He's breathing and I almost nearly forget what he is.

The rough part of his thumb rubs circle on my arm.

"Thank you," he says, breaking the silence.

"It's my pleasure."

"It's mine too." I move ever closer to him. I never want this to change; why will it have to change?

"Wanna make out to punk rock?" I ask after about ten minutes.

"Hell yes." He squeezes me briefly before getting up and taking his iPhone out of his jeans. He takes the speaker on the bedside table and plugs to two together. "Any requests?"

"Just put on the punk rock playlist you created," I say, my arms over my head and playing with the edge of my eyebrow.

"Sure thing babe," he winks at me before putting the music on.

I'm the son of rage and love.

The Jesus of Suburbia.He gets back on the bed and it all begins again.

Only, half way through, I have another episode.

It's terrifying.

I see Harri crying over me, I see Taylor, El, Dani, and Perrie also crying. My eyes focus in on the people in the background.

Harry and his new clan. His cold eyes stare right at me almost knowingly. His clan snicker behind him at my body.

A man I don't recognize rests a hand on Harri's shoulder. His eyes; full of pain. It breaks me. Harri nods acceptingly and stares at me. He shakes his head and leaves a light, sad, kiss on my cold forehead. Tears stream from his eyes and I want to get up and I want to hug him; kiss him. But I can't. I hear him say something;

"I love you Elizabeth, I always will. I don't know what I'll do without you now. I love you, so much." I want to cry, I want to say it back but nothing passes through my cold lips. He takes one last look and walks away. My friends cry into each other's shoulders and hug each other. They say goodbye to my cold, still body before walking away. The man appears in my sight again. He looks down at me and tuts before closing the top of what I have now assumed as my coffin.



It's all over.

I come back to life to feel Harri holding my body. His body shakes with fear.

"I love you, Harri," I say. He looks at me and kisses me so passionately and meaningfully it nearly makes me cry.

"I love you too El, I love you so so much, never ever forget that."

"I won't."

I won't ever forget the feeling of his breath, of his lips on mine, of what we took from each other.

I won't ever forget it.

Not now, not tomorrow, not ever.


I'm proud of this short chapter.

This book has so many reads! Like fricken hell!!! It's amazing!!

Thanks so much!!!

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