The Elders

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It was a long night. That's all I can say.

I guess it didn't help that I was nervous about seeing the Elders tomorrow.

I mean, anything could happen.

I hear Harry snore from beside me, I chuckle lightly. I remove his arm from around me gently, not wishing to wake him up. But, that is a wish, him being a vampire and all... I carefully take the edge of the duvet and flip it round, just enough for me to step out and onto the carpeted floor of the hotel room. I walk swiftly to the balcony, opening the curtains that reveal the city beneath us. It is quite quiet, considering it's a Friday, but then again, it is four o'clock in the morning. I turn to see Harry lying there, I'm pretty sure he is awake, he isn't snoring anymore. I sigh. He is just perfect, in every single way. Every time I look at him, my heart skips a beat. Ironic, I think, because my heart isn't even beating. My heart aches for the human life. Ignorance is bliss. Sometimes I miss my family, sometimes I feel the need to break into tears. But, life is unfair, as soon as something is perfect, life ruins it. I quietly open the balcony door, and slip through the gap that is just big enough for me to slip through. I close the door behind me. The cool night air is refreshing. I look up to the sky, looking at the stars. I wonder, if my family, Olivia, and Harri are stars now.

"I miss you guys." I whisper. My eyes begin clouding up, water filling them. I blink, letting a small, salty tear slip from my eye. I forgot I still have my coloured eye contacts in. I take them out, crushing them in my hand. I take in a shaky breath. Memories flood back to me.

My first day at secondary school.

Meeting all my friends.

Going on holiday to America with my family.

Meeting Harri.

Harri asking me out.

My first kiss.

My last night as a human.

I only just realise I am crying. Tears rushing down my cheeks, each breath a shaky one. Oh, how I miss being human.

"El, are you ok?" I can only reply with a shake of my head. I feel his arms curl round my body, my head resting on his naked chest. "What's wrong?"

I take in a deep breath before I talk, "I miss being human." My voice was shaky, I am surprised the words didn't sound like a dying walrus.


"Harry, don't think it's your fault, I love being a vampire, it's just, sometimes I wish I was human again, with my heart beating, how I don't feel the need to feed of living creatures, ignorance is bliss."

"I know. I knew I shouldn't of changed you, you're too young."

"You can't really change that now though, the main thing is, is that I am here with you. That's all that matters."


"Harry, I love you, I love you more than anything in the world, I would die for you Harry."

"That's a little bit too far!" He says, chuckling.

"It's impossible for me to put it in words how much I love you."

"I love you too, come back to bed, we need to be at the Casa del Potere to be shown to the Sala degli Anziani at midday."

"I see..." I really don't know why he said all that gibberish.

"Should I brief you on the names of the Elders?"

"Why not."

"Well, there is Mortaya, Sanguey, Diavolo, Strega, Cairo, and Kematian."

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