First Hunt

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We're running. Running faster than I ever had before. I look over to see Harry already looking at me.

(Harry's P.O.V)

I look at Eli, she looks so beautiful with her long hair flowing behind her. She looks so beautiful in the sunset. She is my whole world. Should I tell her that one of the Elders can change a vampire back to a human? She might want that, she may want to return to her normal life, she may want to leave me. I will tell her later.

'Harry?' I hear her say, inside my head of course.


'Umm, is it easy?'

'Its fine, just let your instinct kick in' I smile, I extend my hand, offering it.

(Elizabeth's P.O.V)

He extends his hand, I take it. And let me tell you, I felt sparks. Harry smiles. Shoot. I forgot he could read minds. Harry chuckles to himself.

'Haha, yea. What else have you heard?' I ask him. I love how he could tell what I mean.

'I heard you talking with Taylor I think and she was saying how she wanted to be a vampire, and you thought that you always secretly wanted to be a vampire, which made me slightly better.'

'You felt guilty about turning me into a vampire?'

'Yes, I wanted the best for you, but at the same time I wanted to be with you forever.'

'Thanks though, for taking it slow.'

'I don't want to pressure you into anything. Hold up, I thought you could send stuff but not receive anything unless they talk out loud?' Harry asks. Oh, I didn't notice.

'Here, lets see if it's just you. Niall, if you can hear me, say yes in your head and nod your head at the same time.' I can only see him nod his head, nothing else. 'Harry, it's special, between you and me, tell no one?'

'I won't tell anyone. This is cool.' I giggle.

'Yup. Are we almost there?' I ask.

'Yes, just remember, don't think about it. It is slightly easier with the animal, but we are starting harder.' He means a human. He smiles weakly, 'I know you don't want to, but it is good for your first feed, cause you are so thirsty. It is either an animal and human or two humans.'

'I like the sound of the animal one better.' Before we could finish I smell blood. I look over at Harry, he nods. I feel my fangs coming out. Oh god. What if I can't control myself?

'You can.' I hear Harry say. I tighten my grip on his hand. I look round to see Dani and Liam already were off. The others follow, pretty much sprinting. I look over at Harry. He smiles then pulls me along, doing the same as the others. We catch up. Already we hear muffled screams. We go into an alley, we slow down. I see two drunks walking towards us.

'Don't force it, instinct is everything' I nod I walk up to them, two males. This causes me to sub consciously make my hips sway a little more than they would normally do.

"Hey beautiful, wanna go clubbing?" His breath smells of liquor, he is about two meters away from me.

"Seems as though you two have already been." He laughs drunkly.

"Yup, now come here." He says. This gets me mad. I grab his arms and force him against he wall.

"Sorry." I say as I instinctively plunge my fangs into his neck. I have my hand over his mouth, just in case. I hear another muffled scream close by, probably Harry. As I am drinking, I realize that his blood is filled with alcohol, not the best, but still, it quenches the burning in my throat. I finish and let him drop limply to the floor. I realize what I had done. "Harry."

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