Lightning and Fire

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We continued our trek out of the city. It was larger than I first thought. It was so full of people, moving on with their day to day lives. Most people didn't even pass us a glance as we walked by. Something that did bother me was how did Noctis' coat stayed undamaged.

"Hey Noctis, why is your coat perfectly undamaged when you were literally set on fire?" He laughed in response.

"Man, what did they teach you kids in school?" I gave him a moment to think about what he just asked. "Err, nevermind. This coat is enchanted, and with good stuff too. It's enchanted to resist magical attacks. Granted it won't protect me like that guys armor, but it can take hits without being damaged."

"Hmm. If you got all the answers, why is no one freaking out that you're carrying me around? Also you've got a sword sheathed on your back." It was a nice sheath though. It was black with silver Phoenix outlines on it. I felt it's power emanating.

"Oh, well no one could barely see it with you on my back. Besides, if anyone questions you on my back I'll just tell them you're handicap."

"Okay, how about I tell them you ran over my wheelchair."

"Alright wise guy, we'll just walk everywhere for now on."

"Walk where!? You've yet to tell us where we're going!"

"Alright, alright. We're gonna go to a car dealership and purchase a car. And we gotta take care of this one alright? No setting it on fire." He motioned his head towards Alex and Xion. "Or electrifying it", he patted me on the head.

"Alright, as long as you don't poop on it." We all laughed. A little while later we made it to a dealership. The salesman guy was really talkative and really wanted us to buy one, unfortunately Noctis kept him talking and played it off as he didn't want a car that day. By the time they were done negotiating I was already healed up and feeling better than ever.

"Alright gang. Got a brand new, slightly used car! Now not everyone get in at once."

We went inside, it wasn't a bad car. It had four seats for us to sit in. Alex and I sat in the back, while Noctis and Xion sat in the front. We finally had a good start, or at least didn't have to fly anywhere. It was cool to soar through the air, but after a while it's just as tiring as jogging for too long. We drove out of the city and on to the highway. There wasn't much scenery to note, but the road trip was a breath of fresh air considering everything that happened.

"I spy with my little eye..." Noctis began. There wasn't really anything he could spot, as far as I could see anyway.

"What? The empty dirt we've just been staring at for hours?" Xion sounded agitated.

"What'd I do?"

Even I was confused. What did Noctis do this time?

"It's not the game." She took a big sigh and looked off in the distance,"I just don't like car rides. I'd rather be open and free. This is compact and small. Like a cage."

He started to chuckle. "Oh man, don't tell me you're claustrophobic. Turn into a Phoenix then, the space will seem bigger."

"What!?" She gasped, "and render my seatbelt useless!? I hate tight spaces but I hate the idea of completely leaving my life in the hands of your driving skills.

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