A Promise Uncept

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The stars were fully visible at night; there was a new moon out which made the dirty ground look dark. In the horizon shined a big city, New Salem. Its giant cathedral was visible from all they way over here, the biggest and brightest building in the city. I heard a yawn from behind that broke the silent walk. For a while after Nix kept assaulting Crow with questions, I appreciated the silence. Even though that "silence" included the crunch of our shoes against the dirt.

"Tired already ? Let's get a hotel and call it a night," Crow said, a trace of exhaustion was in his voice.

"Oh no ! We are not sleeping in some run down motel. Plus aren't we on the run ? Shouldn't we keep moving ?" Nix replied with more energy than I could've mustered then.

I saw where Nix was coming from, but her constant questioning was getting annoying. Crow however smiled as if he was waiting for someone to ask.

"How could you suggest such a thing ? No, we're going to find a four-star somewhere and get two separate rooms. And normally, yes, I would suggest we keep moving, but I left a pretty good false trail that'll last a couple of days. We can go in, rest up, pick up a few spell tomes, then get right back out."

"You got money !? How ? You don't seem to have time to get a job ?" I asked, though I already had an idea of where he got it.

"Found it."

I squinted my eyes at him, though he was facing straight ahead and couldn't see me.

"You looted those soldiers you fought off for cash, didn't you ?"

"And took their credit cards and I.D."

"Why ? We can't use the credit cards. "

"I know, but now they'll be expecting us to. Useful for leaving a false trail. "

Hmm, crafty, I thought to myself.

That night Crow paid for two separate rooms, one for the girls and the other for us. Crow took the opportunity to quickly collapse in bed and sleep. I don't blame him, a lot happened today. I looked out of the window and saw the bright lights of the city. The stars were no longer visible. The cathedral stood in the center of city. I drew the curtains over the window and looked around. It was a plain looking hotel room with a big T.V on top of a square dresser. The whole look of the room was very plain. Two beds, a hallway that led to the bathroom and an exit.

I laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Just yesterday I was still in school, waking up to Crow gone from my little dorm. Everything was moving much too fast. I wished there was a slow down button at least. My thoughts continued to wander like that until eventually I went to sleep.

May you choose the appropriate path.

I woke up with a shock and sat upright. That voice still rang in my head, it was similar to the voice I hear while using crow vision but that voice was off. It was the only thing I remembered about that dream. I looked down at my hands to start taking in the reality of things. Ok I'm in a hotel room, running from the FPA who looking for my new familiar, Crow. In the room next over, my best friend Alex is sleeping in the same room as Nix, her familiar. I let a tiny stream of blue lightning run through my fingers off my left hand then to my right. I clenched both my hands and tiny sparks escaped the space between my fingers.

I got up from the bed and went through my usual routine the best I could. I looked at two foreign toothbrushes and used the one not labeled "mine" via sticky note. I had to put on the cloths I wore yesterday. It didn't bother me, but I needed a new outfit, one that didn't look like I went walking out in the desert. I picked up my usual gear including my phone, charger, whistle, and glasses placed on the dresser, along with the key card I have to return with a sticky note attached to it.

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