Foul Play

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I knew to be careful in that battle. For starters he was a phoenix, their combat skills are deadly. They could set themselves on fire and not even get burned from it so I couldn't get too close. Second thing was from my observation I made about them. Non of them wore any protective armor except my opponent here, not only that but they all only had swords as weapons. In this day in age that only meant one thing, they moved faster than bullets.

I was nearly cut in two with one strike. Lucky I didn't underestimate his speed despite assuming he'd be weighed down by his armor. This guy meant business.

"Ahh. I see you're a worthy opponent." He said, I could've sworn I heard excitement in his voice. "It's been a while since I faced off with another familiar."

"Oh yeah," I began to ask. "What happened to the last?"

"I killed him, and became the new shogunate."

"Oh. Lovely."

Another slash from his sword, it came so close I heard the wind it sliced. There was little time to dodge the next, I needed to go on the offensive. I made an observation about his armor that I couldn't afford to just assume. I hit him with just some plain old lighting magic. A blue streak of lighting flew right towards him and bounced off.

Yup, his armor was enchanted.

There wasn't really any way to hit him with ranged attacks. So I had to hit him close up, and with that armor and me not having any weapons in particular, it was going to be a tough fight.


Alex asked me to tell her what happened after we were separated. Apparently Xion and her went off into a whole different part of the city. I told her all I could remember. Even the parts I couldn't tell Noctis.

"Wow, really? You shouldn't have gone to a competition like that! You could've gotten yourself hurt... You DID get yourself hurt. Don't even think about giving me any weak excuses mister."

She continued to lecture me like that for a bit. I kinda drifted off halfway through it and watched Noctis for a bit. Well watched being relative because I couldn't really see what was going on. They were moving way too fast for me to follow. Occasionally they slowed down for a brief enough moment that I could see them, but they were always still during those moments. As if they stopped to catch their breaths.

"Hey! I'm talking to you! Are you even listening?"

I was in trouble.

"Umm... Yeah, of course. Won't do it again."

She sighed, "idiot" she said in frustration. She reached in her pocket and pulled out something. A ring similar to the one I had black and everything, upon opening her hand she looked surprised to see it.

"Oh!" She said in surprise, "that's weird, it was blue when I picked it up. Anyway here, the guy you fought must have dropped it or something. It was just there on the ground."

"How did you notice that small little ring in a huge arena covered in snow and crystals?" I asked, thinking back it would've been near impossible for her to find it in the first place. But I couldn't argue with her explanation.

"I don't know, I guess I was sorta drawn to it. And I think you should have it." Her experience sounded a lot similar to the time I found the red ring, back in the lost and found.

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