First doubt

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Finding the "secret door" was easy, there wasn't any secret that was hard to find with crow vision. It was as easy as looking in the bright glow-y thing. The more I used crow vision, the more I understood how it worked. I was using natural energy to use crow vision. Natural energy is the energy that familiars use. They use it when they shift forms or use their abilities. I inherited the ability to use natural energy from my bond with Crow, and he in turn got the ability to use magic from me. It seems our new powers are dependent on our partners abilities. So we aren't just getting stronger for ourselves, but for our partner as well. So the real question was, how powerful is Crow ?

I pondered this while opening the secret door, hopefully no one saw me cause I didn't look around to check. Inside was dark and creepy, like how an abandoned library would look. Dust and webs littered countless books on shelfs. The room was only lit by a dim lightbulb hanging from the ceiling in the far side of library. A man in a business suite was talking on the phone directly under the light. He was facing a portrait of some sort of creature with scales and wings blasting a huge ball of fire from its mouth. I focused the natural energy to enhance my ears to hear him. He was talking on the phone, but I couldn't make out what the other person was saying.

"Yes, everything is ready.... This is a big shipment of tomes I'll have you know, we better get the other half of our pay... Yes we'll have a recording of the exchange, but don't worry, it'll stay with us. We only keep video receipts as proof that you conducted business with us. The clients privacy is top priority... Yes they are all secured with our merchandise. No one is getting in except me and Messiahes himself."

Bingo, I thought to myself. All I needed was to get this guys key and I could get to wherever they're holding the tomes. I heard footsteps from above, if I make any loud noise, it might blow the cover of my friends, I had to knock him out stealthily.

I crept closer and closer, but the closer I came to the light he was under, the more my fear of him seeing me grew. I had to control it, fight the urge to just rush him. He was still talking on the phone and standing still, facing the painting. I couldn't hear his conversation, too busy concentrating on not making noise. I was bathed in the light of the lightbulb hanging from above. I outreached my hand, just a bit closer.

Suddenly my stomach growled ferociously, I forgot I haven't eaten since yesterday. My eyes popped open in surprise. Before the guy could even turn to look I rushed myself foreword, pressing my hand against his back and sent shocks that made him fall quickly to the ground. I almost fell over trying to keep my hand on his back. He was flailing around and couldn't scream due to how much I was shocking him. After a couple of minutes or so, he finally passed out from pain. I hated that I had to make him suffer through the pain like that, but I didn't know how much voltage I needed to knock him out instantaneously.

With the help of crow vision I was able to quickly find the card key he had on him and the storage room. With the whole "glow-y target" thing, it's sure easier to find whatever I'm looking for. I rushed to the door and quickly swiped the card key in the slot and opened the metal door. Inside was more brightly lit, to the point that my eyes needed to adjust to the sudden change. The first thing I noticed was a big console to my left with many screens on it. Each screen showed different parts of the church. I saw the room that I just left, Crow and Alex, but I couldn't see Messiahes anywhere. One screen showed the back of the seats, and there was a person hiding, calling the police on his cell ! I knew I had to warn them, quickly.

I took a sharp turn and noticed something else that made me stop in my tracks, two crates in the corners that were open at the top. I rushed over and quickly read the titles. In one crate had tomes that said Fast healing, the other held tomes titled Ice. I didn't have enough time to read both, nor take both. It was either one or the other. I quickly made my choice, shoved the tomes in my bag, and ran back, as fast as I could.

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