Chaotic Showdown

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"Are you kidding me? I'm going against this little brat?"

My opponent complained. He looked like he was in his late 20's. Tall, blue eyes, and blonde hair that looked recently groomed. I could almost mistake him for an actor, he certainly had the looks and attitude for it. We stood opposite sides of the ring which was inside a football field. The ring was just a platform raised above the ground. Surrounding the ring was an enchanted gate, no doubt to keep the magic from hitting the crowd. The rules were clear, knock your opponent out of the ring, or beat him until he's unable to fight. Killing is strictly prohibited. It didn't matter, non-lethal was my style anyways. The ring was big enough to do laps around, that meant we were gonna take beatings before either one of us gets knocked off.

"Alright pip squeak, I'm not gonna go easy on you. So the least you can do is humour me a bit."

His accent indicated he was foreign, it didn't matter, he was still going down. The crowd roared and cheered while counting off with the timer. "10... 9..." I swallowed hard and I started to shake. I was starting to get nervous, my opponent however seemed unscathed, with that confident smirk on his face. "5... 4..." His hands started to glow a brilliant blue. He was using lightning magic. "3... 2... 1..."

I got this, I thought as the alarm rang, and as soon as it did, shots were fired.

He shot lightning straight at me, I prepared to block with my own, but upon half way of reaching me, it exploded like a firework. The streams they broke into homed in on me like homing missiles. I didn't have much time to react so I shot them down one by one. I silently thanked Alex for all the practice she gave me.

"That's all you got?" I yelled across the ring, that's when he got furious. It was time to try out one of Noctis's tricks. This time he fired five bolts that separated about half way. It almost looked like a flurry of comets headed my way. It was almost beautiful, but I let them come this time, even though I knew I could shoot them all down. I extended both my arms, my right extended in front, my left to the left side of me.

That's when I began to charge.

I purposely charged my left so that his homing stream would be attracted to it, sure enough they were. Once one was close enough I took the hit and absorbed the ball of lightning. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would, when more streams started to build up, that's where the itch began. And don't get me started with the sound of thousands of tiny birds chirping simultaneously, but I held my ground. Once I felt enough was stored up I started converting his lightning to mine and transferred it to my right hand. I had to multi-task to keep the build up compact and in control while making sure too much of his electricity doesn't flow into me. About two minutes later and he stopped, huffing and puffing, exhausted from casting that much power. It was pathetic really, I thought he'd keep going for ten minutes, or at least until I broke a sweat.

Everyone was silent, if it wasn't for the chirping of the remaining lightning I had to transfer, I could've thought I froze in time. Unfortunately for my opponent that wasn't the case. After the last ball of lightning disappeared into my left arm, I used it to keep my right one steady. I let the lightning go, but kept it suspended just beyond my reach, a huge blue blob of sparks. If I let it go as it was it would only implode, getting me with it. I focused on the giant blob and made it tighter, it shrunk to the size of a bowling ball. It wasn't good enough. I focused more, it shrunk to the size of a basket ball.

"H-hey, what do you think you're doin' mate?" My opponent's voice quivered, his actions faltering. I wouldn't blame him. Nothing he can do would save him from this. I shrunk the ball down to the size of a tennis ball, it was getting immensely hard to control. I tried to keep my arm steady but it was like trying to stop an earthquake. I tried to shrink it smaller but I couldn't hold it anymore. The small ball of lighting made a loud thunderous noise and broke free of my control. I was knocked back on my back from the sheer force. I quickly looked up to see the result of my master piece.

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