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We met up with Noctis and Xion, they were also tied up and was unable to break free. Noctis was missing his sword, I assumed the FPA guy already confiscated it.

"Noctis." I whispered, "what's going on? Why can't we break free?"

"Shhh." He responded. We followed the FPA guys lead in silence. The helicopter landed near the gas station,we were forced to board it. We flew for what seemed like all night. Leaving the glowing blue mess that was where Alex and I fought. We kept flying till the copter landed in an airport. We didn't go inside, we were escorted straight to a private jet. By the time we took off dawn was approaching. In the light of the jet I could see the FPA guy more clearly. His eyes were really dark, almost pitch black. His clothes were mostly black, the jacket was all red. Certain armor pieces were red which blended well with the jacket, others were black. He had a creepy aura about him, as if I should've been afraid.

The strange part was that part of me was afraid.

He sat across from us, looking at each of us as if he was studying every detail. I looked over at Alex. She looked like she was half asleep. She kept up with us well enough on the trip, but I saw the fight took a mental and physical toll. I only knew cause I felt it too.

"Let's see here..." He began to say as he sat back on his chair. "Comfortable? You know I would release you guys, but it wouldn't surprise me if I let one of you loose and the entire jet blows up. So tell me, what's your problem with the FPA?"

"Oh I've got a long list of-" Crow was cut off before finishing.

"No, not you. Designation C-18, or otherwise known as Crow. I know all about you already, what about them?"

We remained silent, for a while he waited for an answer until he let out an impatient sigh.

"Just as I thought. C-18 just dragged you all down to his problems. A run away fugitive with a grudge. What about you Phoenix? Shouldn't you be with your clan?"

Xion looked away, refusing to give him anymore of a response. He just shrugged.

"You know when I got reports of a flock of Phoenixes flying overhead Heureux City I thought there was just an outbreak of hallucinogens. Turns out they were there, after you a presume? Pretty selfish forcing your family out of hiding and into danger like that."

Still silence, yet he continued on

"So that makes two run-aways. Let's get down to the Wizards. Cole huh? Nice name, I saw they held you back a year. The record says because of misconduct, but I have my doubts. Especially seeing what you did last night. Wizard schools are supposed to report stuff like this, but yours didn't. And it just so happened that was the school Crow fled to wasn't it? Weird huh? It's a shame we didn't send more competent agents to set up the trap, otherwise none of us would be in this mess."

A trap? The events at my school was calculated? I couldn't help but start to have second thoughts about Noctis.

"But C-18 already knew that, didn't you? You knew it was a trap and went anyway cause you didn't wanna believe your beloved was-"

"Shut up!" Noctis interrupted. It wasn't usual he lost his cool.

"Noctis... What's going on?" I asked him. I looked into his eyes as if I could see the answer within them, but all I saw was pain. The FPA agent sat back in his chair, folding his arms.

"Yes C-18, tell them the whole story. Tell them what this is all about, why they're here. You know all the answers." He sounded pretty smug. Noctis gave him a solid glare that eventually was broken as he looked away and spoke.

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