Could've Been Worse

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I was back, back in the church, but I saw me. As if I was rewatching everything play out. I just figured it as a dream and just went on with it. It's not like I could do much else. I walked through the crowd and easily found the door like before, but something was different. I followed myself through the door, and looked over my shoulder. This was supposed to be the part where I sneak up behind him and learn about were the tomes were. That was not the case.

Instead I walked towards him, focusing electric magic in my right hand. The noise made him look back, and before he could turn around I shot a loud, wicked purple bolt through his heart. I was horrified, though the other me didn't flench. The sickly sweet sent of burning flesh assaulted my nostrils. I would've thrown up if I could, but the other me didn't seem bothered. What was going on ?

I walked over to the dead guys body and yanked the card key off of him. He didn't suffer, he felt no pain, but he wasn't alive either. What was I thinking ?

I unlocked the door to the tomes, one the terminal this time was Crow and Alex fighting Messiahes. I guess the noise made from killing that guy alerted Messiahes. I turned away from the terminal towards the tomes and made my choice. Now I know I pick up the-.

But I didn't, not the other me. He picked up the ice tome and began reading. As light poured onto his face, very light, translucent symbols entered his eyes. Is that how I look when I read them ? As the light dimmed and the book stared burning, he looked back at the terminal. "I love reading", he said to himself. And started to walk back to room where Crow and Alex was.

I entered the room, Messiahes was throwing huge fire balls left and right at Crow and Alex, whom barely dodged them. Messiahes himself was in the air, seemingly lifted up by a spiral of flames twisting up around his waist. He was a lot less powerful when Crow put those cuffs on him.

The other me started to charge his right palm in noisy sparks again. Messiahes noticed the noise and turned around.

"You're gonna have to do more than that to defeat me boy." He announced, though that didn't stop other me.

"Oh I got allot coming." Other me reached back, and before he threw the ball of sparks he froze it, then covered it in snow. Messiahes didn't hesitate to throw a fireball to counter the snowball, but he didn't brace for what came next. The fireball crashed into the equal sized snowball, but a flurry a bright purple sparks burst out of it, like a firework. The spray of sparks sent him to the ground, where other me relentlessly sent an ice spell crawling to incase him in ice, leaving a trail of frost along their way. Only his head remained uncovered. Other me walked over and stood over him.

"Chaos magic is strong with you boy, you best not let it consume you."

The other me laughed, I didn't understand why, nothing was funny.

"Oh old man, if they taught me anything in school it was to, "conceal my talent, weaken myself to insure I don't hurt anyone." Well it feels a whole lot better to just... "Let it go" as they say."

Crow let out a chuckle, in response Alex elbowed him in the stomach.

"What ? He's got ice and everything !"

Alex then shushed Crow, she obviously took the situation more seriously.

"What do you plan on doing now boy ? Kill me ? What would that accomplish ? What could you possibly gain ?"

"Other than to shut you up, one less con man screwing things up for everyone."

"What ? I'm just trying to make our kind more powerful ! You seem like the type to want that, don't you ?"

"I don't care about "our kind" gramps. I got what I came for. And killing you will be a quick solution for your conning, nothing personal." Messiahes looked at the other me dead in the eye. Not with fear, but as if to challenge him.

"You think you're better than me boy ? You don't want to go down this road, you kill me, and you'll cross a line you'll never go back from. I hope you like the cold, cause that's what-"

Messiahes never finished, a spike of ice went right through him. As he exhaled his last breath, other me turned around and started walking towards Crow and Alex. "The cold never bothered me anyways." Other me said with a smile.

"Here" other me handed a tome to Alex, it was another ice tome.

"You know this is chaos magic right ? I'm not gifted like you. Is there anything else ?" Alex asked, other me knew full well that there was, but he responded, "you're welcome to go look yourself. If you aren't ready by the time we are, we're leaving you." She sighed and went along with Crow and I outside. FPA sirens were closing in.

"FPA incoming, come on let's-" Crow started, but other me had other plans.

"No, I got this."

As the FPA started to get surrounded them. Other me crossed is arms in an X over his chest, he also exerted a dark blue aura.

"It's starting to get chilly, oh crap ! Run !" Yelled Crow. Crow, Alex, and Nix ran inside the church and closed the big doors behind them, which was the smartest thing they could've done.

I thrusted my arms outward, as if pushing two walls besides me. An explosion of ice blasted all around, freezing everything. Something was different about the ice.. It was dark, and scary looking. Black snow blanketed the area, and everything went quiet. The others came outside and their jaws hung so low that their jaws almost fell to the ground. They were speechless. And continued that way as other me ripped the keys off of one of the agents and threw them to Crow. On of the agents moved under the black snow. Other me looked at him and ended him with a single shot of red lighting. That lighting reminded me of the trench coat guy.

I realized what M.compass stood for after that, Moral Compass.

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