Crystal Clear

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I wasn't sure if what was happening was real, but I soon realized it was when I had to dodge out of the way of quarts shaped crystals flying towards me. Right after I felt a soft rumble under my feet. I jumped out of the way of orange crystal spikes that rose from under the ground. I had no time to get comfortable, because as soon as I landed another wave of crystal quarts barreled towards me. That guy was ruthless, barely giving me time to react as he attacked from the ground and the air. It wasn't long before the whole scenery of the stadium changed. Orange crystal laid everywhere, either erupted from the ground or big chunks littered the floor. I kept dodging, he wouldn't even give me time to cast a spell. My breath was getting heavy and I was getting clumsy. While dodging one of the ground spires instead of landing on my feet I fell to the ground. He took no hesitation and quickly surrounded me in huge crystal spires. As soon as I got to my feet I felt the same soft rumbling as before, I had to fly.

I let my wings burst through my clothes and took flight. Crystal spikes completely replaced the spot I left. The man seemed to hesitate out of surprise and that's when I took a shot at him. I fired a flurry of blue lightning bolts straight towards him. Before one even hit he regained his composure and erected a crystal wall in front of him. The bolts of lightning bounced off into different directions. Some hitting the ground while others hit crystals and continued to bounce around. I didn't give up, I flew around to see if I could hit him from the sides, but like before walls of crystal would rise before any of my shots hit. He was completely surrounded with a crystal wall. I flew directly above him and charged up a concussion shot. Of course when I fired it, it zipped through the air straight towards him. Not even that was fast enough to get him. The tips of the two spires that stood beside him expanded, fully enclosing him in a crystal dome. I cursed under my breath, there was no way to get to him now, but that didn't mean the fight was over.

The concussion shot split into many little charged shots and bounced in different directions. It was clear electricity wasn't going to work. I thought about using Ice magic, but as soon as I thought of that one of the charged shots from earlier zipped past my face. I immediately turned to where it came from and gasped at the site. The quarts he threw at me earlier were now suspended in the air, not only that but it seemed they where positioning themselves to reflect my shots in a specific way. I had no time to spectate, I had to keep moving.

I flew through the air dodging reflected lightning bolts. I had to figure out how I was going to breach his crystal dome. I had little time to think about it as a suspended crystal quarts exploded when I went near it, sending me flying the other way. I landed on my feet when I hit the ground and quickly jumped up to avoid oncoming spikes. The situation was bad. The whole area was surrounded by crystal mines, reflecting my bolts, and the guy I had to get to is safely protected in a crystal dome. I didn't want to risk using a more powerful spell cause it would probably get reflected. I had only one choice, I had to use ice.

I had to focus on ice. I thought of the cold, to freeze everything I touched, to control the cold. All that earned me was a shot in the back by a stray bolt. Why didn't it work? I ran into a crystal mine that sent me flying back again. Once again I prepared to land on my feet, but I didn't have that luxury. A crystal wall rose up right before I landed. I fell into a trap. As soon as I hit the ground three other walls surrounded me. I jumped up to fly but hit my head against a ceiling, a crystal ceiling. I fell to the floor, my head ached. I felt a soft rumble from beneath the floor. There was nothing I could do, it was over for me.

"Come on, is that all you got? You're way weaker than I thought."

I looked up in shock. Who said that? I looked around me, all I saw was my reflections in the crystals looking back at me. Ignoring the rumbling getting more violent, one of the reflections were different. He just smiled, smiled as I laid there hopelessly. He laughed, he laughed so loud that it completely muted the rumbling sound. I wanted to cover my ears, but all it did was get louder and louder.

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