The City of Rebirth

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Another dream similar to the other, but this time it felt different some how. Stronger is the closest word to describing it. We were all in a black FPA van, Noctis was driving while I rode shotgun. The girls rode in the back respectively. I saw that Alex was struggling with something, but I couldn't make out what.

"Can't this thing go any faster?" The other me asked impatiently. He looked bored out of his mind.

"Do you want us to get pulled over? It's bad enough that the FPA's chasing us, but the cops too? That's too much for us."

"Let them come, I'll just blast anyone in my way."

"Also a stupid idea. Do you want the Knights after us? You're powerful Cole, I'll give you that. But the Knights will sweep you away as if you were a dust bunny."

The Knights? Did he mean the Knights of Avalon? Not much is known about them except they're extremely powerful wizards. They're known for targeting high ranking criminals, wizard or not.

"Right, so where are we going?"

"To meet an old buddy I escaped with, he's a collector of spell tomes. Maybe he could lend us one."

"Sure, But what's stopping me from just taking them all?"

"The enchanted cuffs you're going to wear." Noctis scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Seriously? Come on, you know I'm just kidding."

"No, I don't. Not after the little stunt you pulled back at the cathedral."

"What, I thought Messiahes was scum." The other me defended himself.

"Yeah, now all his followers think you're scum. Not only that, but his little fake religion grows stronger than ever."

I never even thought of that, did I crush Messiahes's religion by revealing the truth?

"So what? It's not like there where other suppliers of tomes, right?" 

A moment of silence hung in the air. The only sound was the soft hum of the van

"You do know how business works, right?" He glanced at other me rhetorically.

"Ok, so what if us wizards are getting tricked into getting stronger? I say it's a good opportunity to find one of the dealers and take whatever tomes they have."

"Wow, the first kinda smart idea you've had all day, except if wizards collectively get stronger, there's more of a chance for uprising. Plus if all those wizards start hating you cause you're striking down their dealers, then we'll be in way more trouble than we can handle."

"Whatever I get it Crow, I'll just play by the rules." The other me crossed his arms and looked out the window, staring at the landscape as the van zoomed by. The other me called him "Crow". Does that mean they haven't strengthened their bond yet? On closer inspection I saw the brand on his arm was less bold than mine. Maybe even a little more faded than when I first got it. The other me suddenly started to shiver.

"Hey Crow! Turn down the AC will you?" I saw the other me's breath. A car shouldn't get that cold, no matter how high the AC's turned up.

"I turned it off already. What, is Mr.Cool bothered by the cold now?"

"Mrh Mrh Mrm Meh Meh Meh Meh Meh Meh?" Man, was I that annoying? Blue sparkles started to suspend in the air as it got colder and colder. All of a sudden a shriek came from the back seat, the other me look back instinctively.

It was Alex, she was casting ice. Frost poured out of her hand uncontrollably. Balls of ice would occasionally shoot out and cover whatever it hit with a thin layer of blueish clear ice.

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