Bird brain

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My wits won the battle with fear. I blinked on my crow eyes and took off my glasses to try and see his true face. I didn't see his face, but I saw a mask, I suppose it was enchanted so no one could see his face. A red outline surrounded the man in the trench coat. A voice in my head, similar to my own except in a whisper, crept in my mind. "Predator" it said. My heart sank, fighting my sudden urge to run into another battle. Fight, run, or obey, those were my only options. I have no where to go because of the guardian angles.

His arm started to spark, but this was terrifyingly different from my own electric magic. His sparks brightly shined red light. Red lightning ? I blinked my crow eyes off and put on my glasses, yup, red lightning.

"Some volunteers huh ?" Trench coat mused.

In a flash, the lighting arced from his hand, wickedly traveling through the air to the first teacher. He screamed in agony when the lighting hit, but it didn't stop there. The lighting continued to travel to the next teacher, and the next. The room was filled with the sound of crackling lighting and blood curling screams. The whole resistance of teachers were caught, and there was nothing they could do.

If that's not bad enough, a terrifying stream of red lightning escaped each finger. Their screams got louder.

I couldn't take it anymore. Without thinking, I charged a fist and punched him, sending shocks powerful enough to paralyze him, or so it should have.

He didn't flinch, instead he grabbed my arm and lifted me up face-to-mask with him. "I knew you had a fighting spirit. " Before I could say anything, he sent crazy powerful red lighting through me.

The pain was like nothing I ever experienced before. I shocked myself plenty of times, but this was a whole new level. Imagine lightning striking you, but instead of just ending in a flash, it kept shocking you and increasingly getting stronger.

The pain was overbearing, I tried to break free, to fight, to do something, anything, my body failed to listen. I couldn't even tell the teachers screams from my own. After that things quickly went dark.


I woke up feeling groggy and sore. Usually the pain from lighting magic disappears once the user stops using it on the target. Everything seemed fuzzy, I had a small panic that the crazy red lightning may have damaged my eyes, then I realized I wasn't wearing my glasses. I tried to move my hands, but they were restrained by something tight and uncomfortable.

I heard the familiar sounds of an engine running and wheels moving, I'm in a truck from the sound of it. My seat wasn't all too comfortable either. I've deduced that I'm in a prison truck, all without lifting my head. Go me. I looked at my hands that were chained together in front of me, I'm nearsighted so at least I could see them. I tried to will lighting, or fire, any spell would do. Nothing, figured these cuffs were enchanted. I thought I'd at least try. I blinked on crow eyes, it was the only thing that worked. The metal cuffs were outlined green and that same whisper voice came up again,"Caged" it said. I sat up and sighed.

"No duh," I said out loud.

"It's about time you woke up."

I gasped in surprise, I wasn't aware anyone else was here. And it was the voice of a very familiar, very unhappy girl. I didn't even have to look to know who it was.

"Hi Alex." This was one of her angry infused lectures. Anything I say would only make it worse.

"Don't you, "hi Alex" me !" What I tell you ? I wish she didn't do that stupid high pitched voice when quoting me.

"Do you have any idea how stupid that was to try and punch a guy with death lightning coming from his hands ?! What'd you think, that he'd just fall over because your twig arms can do a light show ? Secondly don't you shock my hand away when I hold on to you, how would you like a hug that will literally melt half your body ! I know you can't see me but look at me when I'm talking to you !"

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