Founding Father

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We sat there for a while, that silence was painfully awkward. The kind of silence where neither of us knew what to say next. But time went on and soon I'd have to face father Messiahes himself. I have no idea of how we'd actually get some spell tomes. He was a business man, so maybe the language of money would appeal to him. Though I doubted that Crow would have enough money, just how much cash would agents carry? Once it was 10:40, Alex and I walked in silence towards the cathedral; we were both probably thinking of how to approach this. We summoned Crow and Nix outside the cathedral, people were already pouring in. Nix came flying down as soon as she was called. Some people looked back or stared when they saw this bright red bird transform into a human, I thought that would be pretty common around here.

"Why are people staring ?" I whispered over to Nix. "It's like they've never seen a familiar before." A couple of people even started taking their phones out.

Nix gave a suppressed chuckle and smiled. "Phoenixes are rare these days. Most of these people haven't seen a real live Phoenix in their lives, well until now. So some people look at me when I change in public." I gave a puzzled look before I asked,"why'd you change in public then ?"

"Because master Alex needed me, it was the fastest way to her."

I thought for a second to myself. If Phoenix's were as rare as she said, then having her shift in public could blow our cover. But Alex could be in the sort of danger that needs her immediate help. Should I risk Alex's safety for the sake of staying hidden ?

"Good thinking Nix, Alex could be in real danger," I praised. I decided that Alex's safety was more important than our cover. Nix smiled cheerfully,"thank you Cole." After that said, she turned and walked towards Alex, whom was closer to the cathedrals entrance, inspecting the architecture. People began to go back to their business.

I looked off to the distance wondering where Crow was. I blew the whistle already but he wasn't here, or so I thought. I looked up at the cathedral and noticed a black bird resting on the cross at the top. As if on queue the bird swooped down towards me, right before it hit the ground besides me he shifted to my familiar Crow and landed on his feet as if he jumped from a high place. I glanced around, no one even batted an eye at him.

"Alright, let's go." He dusted his jeans off. I wondered about his action when he was just a bird a second ago, but I didn't question him on it. Crow led me through the giant doors, Nix and Alex followed closely behind.

Inside was a long corridor that was well lit in lights that were indented in the oval shaped ceiling. The color of the walls were that of plain peaches that I was just about sick of. But covering the walls were paintings of what looked like monsters, hung under their own exclusive light bulb. The whole array looked more like an art museum than a church. The carpet underneath our shoes were a velvet color.

As we walked on I couldn't help myself but look at the paintings as we past. One was of a giant serpent raising it's snake like head from the water, blasting a ship with a stream of water from it's mouth. Another was of a giant moth creature, whose wings were multi-colored and seem to leak tiny red embers. It's deep blue eyes seemed to move, despite it being just a painting.

One made me stop in my tracks, a giant white snake whose yellow, piercing, eyes were mincing. As if the evil in it's eyes could leak from the painting and poison everything and everyone who looked. The plants that surrounded the creature were limp and dying, as if it's very presence was killing them. Of course this painting had a name, but I didn't see one.

I realized that everyone went on without me and managed to catch up before they went through a big, wooden, door.

"Hey Crow," I said, breaking the silence. " What are these paintings of ?"

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