To The Person Who Has The Privilege of Loving Her Next..

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To the person who has the privilege of loving her next,

I need you to know she's something special. She's full of ambition but incredibly stubborn. She's like the ocean, uplifting and calm but full of depth and mystery.

She has built walls around her heart to protect herself and it will take forever for her to trust you. Some say she's afraid of being touched, afraid of being held. But she's afraid that one day the hands that once held her won't be there and she'll fall. Don't let her fall.

She'll have bad days and will push you away. She tends to over think everything. Be patient with her. Just be patient. Singing to her helps calm her down. But all in all, just let her know that you're always going to be there. That you're not going to let her fall.

But I promise you, she's the realest person you will ever meet. She's incredibly down to earth and so authentic.

She loves words. Reading and writing are her escape. She's addicted, as we like to say.

She's very introverted. She keeps everything bottled up inside. Don't push her to talk, she will when she's ready. She loves to be alone but she doesn't fancy being lonely.

She loves rain. Between the sound and the smell, she'll get lost in it. When she does, watch her carefully. It's in those moments that she says the most without saying a single word.

She likes sleeping in blanket forts, they give her a sense of security. When she's feeling under the weather, she'll curl up with a blanket and take a nap.

She's broken and fragile but insanely strong at the same time. Do not mistake her kindness for weakness.

But as insane as she is, she's one hell of a person. She is in fact a handful but that's why you have two hands.

So to the person with the privilege of loving her next... Please take good care of her for me.

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