To my internet best friend,
I've always been told to stay clear of those on the internet, for various reasons. Valid and real reasons. I'd been taught that the only people on the internet were predators and that I needed to stay clear of anyone I didn't know in order to keep myself safe. It makes sense.
But you, my dear.. You're the opposite of a threat. You're my boo. My little dork. And you're more of a friend than the people I know here.
When I say you're my best friend, I mean it more than I ever could express. You've been there for everything. Every heartache, every painful event, every stressful day and even when I hit rock bottom. You picked me up off the ground, dusted me off and held my hand as I tried again.
About a year and a half. That's how long we've been friends. Even with all this distance between us, I've never felt closer to anyone before. It feels like I've known you since I was little, running around with pigtails and scuffed knees. It amazes me how just a year and a half can feel like a lifetime.
I'm impatiently waiting for the day I get to meet you. The day I get to hug you tight and see your smile not through a screen but in person. And when I get there, we'll make wonderful memories and do all the crazy things that teenage girls should do and I'll cherish every minute of it.
Until that day comes, just remember that I love you dearly. You and your friendship mean the world to me. Thank you. I can't say it enough.
So to my internet best friend... I'll see you soon, my dear.