To My Ex Girlfriend..

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To my ex girlfriend,

We met through a mutual friend. She introduced us and really wanted us together. Coincidentally, we both developed feelings for one another and wa-la.

We ended very suddenly. You had said your life had taken an unexpected turn and things you were dealing with needed your attention and that you couldn't give a relationship the attention it needed. We ended on good terms.

But then I woke up one morning and you were literally gone. You blocked me on every social media, you wouldn't talk to me, I didn't exist. But your boyfriend did.

I was quite angry. Pissed, actually. I opened up to you and let you in and then you cut me out of your life, telling our mutual friend that the distance was too much, that we weren't going to work because we lived on opposite ends of the country.

I wish you would have told me that. I wish you would have said that the distance was too much. I wish you would have said that you couldn't get what you needed out of our relationship. I wish you would have said that there was somebody else there in California. I would have understood. I get it. I just wish you would have been honest with me.

Now, fast forward six months and here we are.

You're one of my best friends. I love you but I'm not in love with you and I'm so glad that we have forgiven each other. That we've accepted the past but are focusing on the present.

That's what matters. Today, you're my little sister, my best friend. Today, we talk every second possible, probably too much. Today, you have my back and I have yours. Today, you're a dork, but I love you.

I really am so happy we pushed through the mud. I can't imagine what I would do without my bean.

So to my ex girlfriend... People always say you can't be friends with your ex's, but I don't believe it. Here we are, ex's and best friends and I wouldn't have it any other way. You're my smol bean, my peanut, and I love you so much.

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