Interview With BoysRUs

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1. Name and/or Nickname(s):

A: Karen. My nickname's Ice Breaker, because apparently, others say that I'm always the first to stick out my hand and introduce myself with a big smile.

2. Age:

A: I'm celebrating my two hundredth and six birthday on October 17. Go me!


3. Username(s):

A: BoysRUs

4. Favorite Color(s):

A: Turquoise blue, mint green, and baby blue.

5. Favorite Band(s)/Musician(s):

A: I love Taylor Swift, Taio Cruz, Beyonce, and the works.

6. Favorite Drink:

A: Hot chocolate. I'm a sucker for chocolate liquid, topped off with whipped cream, especially in the winter holidays.

7.What's your favorite book and why?

A: The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini. I'm still waiting for the fourth and last book, coming out this November - woo hoo!

8. Whose your hero?

A: My hero is my grandmother, because she's my role model.

9. If you could score yourself on how good of an author you are, 1-10, what would your number be?

A:     6; I'm not exactly conceited or a person who always looks down on herself either.

10. What's your favorite hobby, besides reading or writing?

A: I like to sing, not in public of course, but many people tell me I hit high notes well even though they've never heard me, from the loudness of my screams and yells.

11. Would you like to give your fans/readers your Facebook, Tumblr or Twitter?

A: Sadly, I don't have any of those. But feel free to fan me on here! :D

10 Questions About Your Writing And Books!

1. Could you name all of your books, for those who aren't your fans but for some reason still reading this?

A: I only have one book up right now, and it's called Love, Hollywood. I'm in the planning stage for a select few others as well.

2. Are any of those books completed? And if so, which ones?

A: None of my books are complete yet, but they will be in soon enough time.

3. Do you ever put a book on hold indefinitely?

A: I've never put a book on hold before. If I don't like it, I delete it. The process is really that simple.

4. Which of your books is your favorite to write, which do you update most often, which is the easiest to write for you and which do you dislike the most?

A: For the time being, I currently only have one. So I don't know if it counts as an answer, but the one I like most and the one that is easiest to write is currently still in my desktop story folder

5. How long does it usually take you to write a complete chapter, editing included if you do edit?

A: It usually takes me one to two hours at the most, because I kind of space out and multi-task at the same time. I never proofread or edit, because I find that I actually like my first drafts better.

6. If you could recommend one of your books for someone to read, completed or in progress, which would it be?

A: I'd have to go with the Eternal trilogy, although I hadn't posted any of them up yet. That's the series I'm most excited about, and I'm crossing my fingers that it'll be awesome.

7. What's your favorite part of a book to write?

A: My favorite part of the book is, drum roll please...the ending. That's not very surprising, is it? I love finishing a book, because it means that I could move on to the next one, however cheesy it may sound.

8. What is your least favorite part to write?

A: My least favorite part to write is the middle. Jesus, that's where all the drama begins. My brain gets stuffed with all the ideas and twists, and then I literally fail in school because I'm so busy thinking about them.

9. Is there a book (possibly not even posted on an eBook site) that you are embarrassed to have even THOUGHT about writing?

A: Oh, yes, definitely. I wrote this short story about a little girl and her horse, and big juicy strawberries back when I was in kidnergarten. Let's just say I never forgot it...shall we?

10. How many other eBook/Writing websites do you use to post your stories and which ones are they?

A: I only use one to post all my stories on, and it's a little something called Wattpad.


1. What was the first thought in your mind when you found this eBook-ing website?

A: If I remember correctly, it was, "What the heck is this?!"

2. After first starting Wattpad, how easy was it for you to figure out how to use it?

A: It was pretty easy, seeing as there's a Help button wherever I go.

3. If you could change one thing about Wattpad or the Wattpad App, what would it be?

A: I would give it a LOVE button.

4. What's your favorite thing about Wattpad?

A: The supportive users, as well as the stories.

5. Whose your favorite author on here, and what's your favorite book written by them?

A: nessie64, aka Nessie, and her story, "Tame My Heart...Or Else."

6. How many fans is the perfect number for you?

A: Infinite. I adore fans. No number is ever enough for me.

7. What do you think should be done to make less-popular authors on here, more popular?

A: A new story club, perhaps.

8. What's your favorite genre of book to read on here?

A: Romance.

9. What 'Undiscovered Gem' on Wattpad do you recommend most for reading?

A: Unfortunately, I don't read Undiscovered Gems. I'd get back to you on that.

10. And over all, what would you rate Wattpad (on a score of 1-10) versus other eBook websites?

A: 10, 10, 10!

Interview With The Author [Book One: Completed]Where stories live. Discover now