Interview With Misslalaland23

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Wattpad Username(s):


2. Age:

Well, I don't like to give out my exact age, but I'm in high school. :)

3. Gender:


4. What are the names of all the books you write or have posted on Wattpad?

Louder Than Words, Inevitable Sunrise (Twilight Fan Fic), and The Art of Moving On.

5. Which of these books are/was your favorite story to write and why?

Louder Than Words, because I loved the characters and the story line. :) I'm very happy with how it turned out, and I'm glad that so many people enjoyed it!

6. Do any of the scenes in your books come from real life experiences, and if so do you want to elaborate which scenes and in what books?

Not too much, I don't think. There may be a few, but none that are extremely significant; although, most of the scenes in my books are inspired by my friends and family, whether it's by something funny they said or did that caused me to imagine something totally different. :)

7. When you're writing, do you have a schedule or maybe you have something that you do when you're writing such as listening to music?

I try to make each chapter at least three pages, but other than that, there really isn't a specific schedule. I love to listen to music while I write, but if I'm writing something that has a specific mood, then I usually have to pause the song until I'm finished writing that scene, or I get too distracted. (:

8. What inspired you to want to start writing and posting your stories for hundreds, perhaps thousands of people to read?

I found this site and I immediately knew I wanted to join. Since my dream and passion is to be a published writer, I wanted to see if I could make it, if I was really good enough. Of course, I have tons I still need to learn, but I'm young, so I think I have time!

9. Who is your number one inspiration when it comes to writing?

My writing teacher. Well, I say my writing teacher, but I consider her more of my friend now. (: She encourages me so much and is the sweetest person ever.

10. When did you first start writing?

When I was ten years old. I finished my first book at eleven, which was pretty awesome, but it was awful! Still, I was happy that I finished a book when I was so young, while many kids who write don't finish their books; it made me feel accomplished. (:

11. Why did you start posting stories on Wattpad?

I just wanted to see if I could make it as an author, and see if anyone who didn't know me on a personal level had any improvement suggestions and encouraging words. Turns out they did, and I really enjoy this site!

12. What do you love most about writing?

I feel like, as a writer, it's so cool to be able to think outside the box and put it down on paper for others to read. Yes, I'm usually terrified that people might hate it, but in the end, I'm proud of my work, even if it isn't perfect. (: Writing is simply my passion, it was all I wanted to do when I started reading Nancy Drew (yes, Nancy Drew. Don't hold it against me, I'm a sucker for a mystery that keeps me on my toes!) and it's still all I want to do now!

13. If you could change one thing in any of your books, what would it be?

All my typos and grammar mistakes! Haha. Aside from that, I'd basically like to make everything more realistic, I suppose. I know that sometimes, especially when I write in a guy's POV, my characters can say or do things that they might not do in real life. I'm working on that, though! :)

14. When you start writing a new book, does it already have a plot or are you as clueless as to what will happen as your fans are?

Well, I usually have a basic idea as to where I want the story to go, but sometimes I get ready to write what I planned on happening in the next chapter, and I realize that it just doesn't flow right; at that point, I need to step back and recreate the plot a little so that it all works out. So, I suppose I'm half and half! It's kind of cool, though.

15. When starting a new story, what comes into your mind first, the Title, the basic idea of the book, or the characters?

It's usually the basic idea, then the characters come shortly after. The title is usually a tough one for me, and I usually don't think of it for a few days or weeks, sometimes months after I begin writing the story! But I know that I'm not the only one who has this problem, so I'm cool with it.

16. If you could tell your fans one thing, besides Thank You, what would it be?

I think that I'd like them to know that if it weren't for their awesome comments and fanning and other forms of support, I'd probably have closed my account by now. Not only that, but I enjoy talking to you all, so anytime you want to chat or have a question, or if you just want to ask me to read your book, please don't be shy to send me a PM or comment on my wall! :D And the members that I've gotten to be more like friends with (you know who you are! ;), you guys are just awesome! All of you amazing fans rock, Harry Potter told me so, so it's official.

17. What would you like to tell all of the Hope-To-Be Authors that are currently on Wattpad?

To never give up. No matter what. Do what you love and stick to it! Sure, there will be haters, criticism, and rejection, but that's what will make you great! Every great person (writers included!) have failed at one time or another; how you respond to failure is what will define you as great. :)

18. Do you use any other sites to post your stories?

Nope, only Wattpad!

19. Would you like to share you Facebook, Tumblr or Twitter with fans and readers?

I don't really have any of those things, to be honest (sad face!), but if anyone wants to reach me, I'm open on Wattpad!

20. Would you like to mention anything else that i've forgotten?

I think you covered everything! Thank you for the interview, it's been fun!

EXTRA: Can you unjumble this word: dngraeer.

Uhhh deranger? Haha, I have no idea! :p

Interview With The Author [Book One: Completed]Where stories live. Discover now