Interview With AliceBrandon

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[[The thing with this interview was that AliceBrandon did not send the quesitons WITH the answers, and I use many differnet interviews so I had to guess which questions I had asked!  Sorry... ]]




I’m above the age of 2 and younger than 50




Sunlight, Harry Potter and the Power of Family, and Cullen Wife Swap

Easiest/Funnest book to write:

Um, probably Sunlight, even though I’m not that far because I have so many ideas of where to go with it!

Scenes in your books that come from real life:

None of the scenes really come from my life, though some I wish did.

Schedule and things you do when writing:

When I’m writing it is usually when I’m suppose to be doing something else such as; sleeping and homework. I always have to listen to music when I write though!

When did you first start writing:

I started reading stories and then I started getting mad when I realized that some of the stories didn’t betray the characters like I liked, so I had to write my own.

Number one insperation when it comes to writing:

My number one inspiration is probably whatever writer I am reading at that time, you can probably tell in my writing that I switch different writing styles depending on what I’m reading.

Completed stories:

 I haven’t completed a story yet.

Favorite part of a story to write:

 My favorite part is when I write a scene that I have been thinking about for ages, and then I write it down exactly as I imagine it.

Favorite part of a story to read:

 Probably the part where you are still guessing at what is going on, because I feel right then the reader can use the most imagination.

Favorite book: Twilight or Furies of Calderon

 Brown Bear, Brown Bear

 Favorite Author:

Probably, Tamora Pierce, because I have read all of her books like twenty times, and they are all amazing!

What would you ask Tamora Pierce if you could ask one thing:

  Why haven’t you written anymore books yet?

Why did you start writing:

The feeling that I could do better

Favorite wattpad author:

Probably me,(not because I’m conceited) but because I can make my story anything I want and won’t end up getting mad at it.

What would you ask them if you had a chance:

 Why have you not posted yet??? (you know who I mean...)

 What would you like to tell your fans:

I love my fans, if I didn’t have them, I wouldn’t have my stories!!! :)

 Anything else:

Thank You so much!!!

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