Interview With Shannonc8299

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1. Wattpad Username(s): 


2. Age: 

12...yes I faked my age ;)

3. Gender: 

Female. Definitely female.

4. What are the names of all the books you write or have posted on Wattpad?

 The World outside the Warehouse (deleted off of Wattpad because I got really bored of it), Bye-bye Daddy and Sisters in the Woods. I'm in the middle of planning out my next story:)

5. Which of these books are/was your favorite story to write and why? 

Definitely Sisters in the Woods. I love creating characters, and making up sisters was no exception. I like how although they're twins, they have completely different personalities. Also, I love my book cover, ade by XxTicklexX

6. Do any of the scenes in your books come from real life experiences, and if so do you want to elaborate which scenes and in what books? 

Some of them have come from real-life situations, but certainly not my own. Bye-bye Daddy is a story showing how close a family relationship can be and breaking apart can be heartbreaking (i.e. Grace leaving her father, her only living relative, for boarding school)

7. When you're writing, do you have a schedule or maybe you have something that you do when you're writing such as listening to music?

I don't have any specific schedule but I do tend to stick to writing near night-time, late afternoon. I listen to music and some of the songs are inspirations to my stories, for example, my new story is based on the song Other Side of the World by JLS.

8. What inspired you to want to start writing and posting your stories for hundreds, perhaps thousands of people to read?

I've always loved writing from a young age and heard of Wattpad from a member called Poppysocks, who is a user on the Sims 3 website and posted on her blog that she would be using Wattpad. So definitely Poppysocks.

9. Who is your number one inspiration when it comes to writing?

My number one writers are Jacqueline Wilson, Melissa J. Morgan and Anne Frank. They are all amazingly talented writers and I love their stories. I especially love Anne Frank's Diary.

10. When did you first start writing?

I started writing those little two sentence stories at school when I was 5, and progressed on. I've wanted to write stories for a living from a very young age, and have always loved the process of typing up a story and nervously wondering if anyone will like the story. So when I was about 7 or 8, I decided I wanted to write for a living. I have now decided, while my book is being published or whatever, I will have a part-time job in a nursery looking after little children, as I love little children – they're so CUTE!

11. Why did you start posting stories on Wattpad?

I want to be known for writing. It's something I love and I try to be creative with it. I love pretending to be the character and figuring out what they're lives are like, so I figured Wattpad would be a way out of boredom, a way to express myself. I also love writing and reading other people's stories, so whenever I want, I can read whatever story I choose!

12. What do you love most about writing?

I love how writing has a way of letting other people know what other character's lives are like. It's amazing how I can sit down with a book and find myself seeing everything from one characters point of view. I also love that it can be a way of expressing yourself.

13. If you could change one thing in any of your books, what would it be?

I would like to go through everything and check all the spelling – I absolutely hate reading spelling errors, even though I constantly spell things wrong myself! Thank goodness for spell-check!

14. When you start writing a new book, does it already have a plot or are you as clueless as to what will happen as your fans are?

It honestly depends on what I'm writing. I usually write out a basic plot on Word and look up pictures of people on Google Images so that it's easier to imagine what the character is like. But sometimes I just write to my heart's content and sometimes I find myself gasping at something I've written because it's so surprising.

15. When starting a new story, what comes into your mind first, the Title, the basic idea of the book, or the characters?

Definitely the characters. I love making up characters and take a long time to imagine them fully. I conduct character interviews, I take notes, I look up pictures. It takes me forever to make one character!

16. If you could tell your fans one thing, besides Thank You, what would it be?

I would just like to say that they are all inspirations, each and every one of them have been nice and kind to me, made book covers and commented or read my stories.

17. What would you like to tell all of the Hope-To-Be Authors that are currently on Wattpad?

Just keep on reading and writing. Writing a diary is a brilliant writing practise, because you're writing every day! Also, don't copy other people's ideas completely, but I like to base them on other stories. Like Poppysocks said to me, her story Who's Laughing Now? Is based on Who's Laughing Now? By Jessie J, but a lot of it isn't at all like the music video.

18. Do you use any other sites to post your stories?

Nope! Wattpad is the only place where I write, apart from on Word and in my million-and-one notebooks!

19. Would you like to share you Facebook, Tumblr or Twitter with fans and readers?

No Way! I actually hate my family seeing my stories because they go on and on and one about it, so I like to keep it private. I find it a lot easier writing for people I don't know instead of all my family and friends.

20. Would you like to mention anything else that i've forgotten?

I just want to say a big thanks to you for interviewing me! I'm a big fan of Only a Girl and Krisha, and I really hope you win the Watty Awards for Snape's Daughter! Thank you so much!

Interview With The Author [Book One: Completed]Where stories live. Discover now