Interview With DanceAllNight32

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1. Wattpad Username(s):

DanceAllNight32 and previously ForgettingTomorrow

2. Age:


3. Gender:

Fe to the Male!

4. What are the names of all the books you write or have posted on Wattpad?

Pranking With Potter, The Gryffindor Lioness, The Short Bus is How I Get to School, Poetry from the Heart, and also The Awakening (But it is abandoned. Sorry!!)

5. Which of these books are/was your favorite story to write and why?

Hmmm, that's a difficult one to answer. It would honestly have to be either one of my fan fics. Probably The Gryffindor Lioness, though. I don't really know. Maybe because it's the Harry Potter story tweaked a little bit? Or because I love the Lio, the main protagonist. It's also a really fun story to write. But I also enjoy writing Pranking With Potter because it's further along and more into the action. Haha, this is a difficult one to answer.

6. Do any of the scenes in your books come from real life experiences, and if so do you want to elaborate which scenes and in what books?

Actually, I do base a few of the scenes off of some things that happen in my life, but I can't really recall anything at this moment in time. It's generally just the really funny things that happen to me, and also things that have made a big difference in my life.

7. When you're writing, do you have a schedule or maybe you have something that you do when you're writing such as listening to music?

Whether or not I listen to music depends on the mood I'm in. I can't really listen to anything with words while I write, otherwise I end up singing along with the song, and then begin to write down the lyrics. You know that awful moment when you are doing homework, writing, or anything else, and you begin to sing along, then write down the lyrics? Yeah, happens to me all the time.

And, no, I don't have a schedule. I just begin to write, and whatever wants to flow out of my overactive imagination and into my fingertips, I let it. Haha, that was a really cheesy thing to write, but it's true, I promise you.

8. What inspired you to want to start writing and posting your stories for hundreds, perhaps thousands of people to read?

Well, *gulp* before now, I never thought about the fact that thousands of people around the world are going to read my stories...

Nah, I kid you! I did because I love to hear feedback from people about the stories I write, but I'm too afraid to show them to people I know. For me, my stories are extremely personal, and I don't like to share them with friends and family because I value their opinion highly. (Not that I don't value your opinions, fellow Wattpaders!) I can't really explain it, except that I'm one of those people who don't ever share their feelings with anyone, and if I do, I end up in a blubbering mess.

9. Who is your number one inspiration when it comes to writing?

I'm a people watcher. So, throughout the course of the day, I watch people interact and kind of base my character's interactions off of the things I see. But, my number one inspiration is probably all of the published authors out their that I look up to because they started off exactly where we are right now, and they made it big.

10. Have you ever completed a story, and if you have, then how many?

Nerp, I have never completed a story. But, Pranking With Potter IS going to be finished before October 9th, so after then, yes I will have.

11. What are your favorite parts to write in your stories?

Hmm, probably the funny parts. Though I just wrote a scene in Pranking With Potter where a girl who had her heart broken by one of the main characters, told him off, and I enjoyed that immensely! So, I'd have to say the redemption scenes where you finally get to say something that you have been keeping inside. I probably like this because I don't have the courage to do it in real life, and when I write, the characters are a little bit like what I wish I could be like.

12. What part of a book is your favorite to read?

The climax and the ending. You know, the part where it all comes together and the pieces begin to put themselves in order.

13. What is your favorite book of all time?

Ooh, this is a TOUGHIE! I love a lot of books. I could be all generic and say the Harry Potter series, or the Mortal Instruments series, but honestly, I have to say that my favorite book of all time is The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke. I think that while reading her book, I realized that I did want to write.

14. What was the first book you ever remember reading?

Jeez, that's going way back! Hmm, probably one of the Boxcar Children stories.

15. Who is your favorite published author and why are they your favorite?

Cassandra Clare. She writes the perfect blend of humor, action, fantasy, and a little romance thrown in here and there to balance it all out.

16. If you had the chance to have a conversation with your favorite author, what would be the first thing you’d ask them?

Hmm, how does she think of all of her characters and their personalities. How she came up with the idea for her series, The Mortal Instruments, and also the Clockwork Angela and that series. Another question would be: how does she stay on one book, think of all the scenes she does, and does she map it all out as well? Haha, there are a ton more that I would love to ask her, but I don't think you all want to hear about them.

17. What made you start writing?

I have such an active imagination that if I didn't get all of my fantasies down on paper, I would explode or go insane; not quite sure which one would come first. Also, I think up so many characters, that I just HAVE to think up an environment and setting for them to go and live and prosper in.

18. And who's your favorite Wattpad author and why?

katrocks247 because not only is she a hilarious writer, but she also is never hesitant to help you out when you're in need.

19. If you could ask your favorite Wattpad author one thing, what would it be?

How do you come up with these things!

20. Would you like to say ANYTHING else that I have forgotten in this interview, any shootouts or to give your fans and readers your Facebook, Tumblr or Twitter?

Never be afraid to be yourself, and don't let anyone try to change you, or change yourself so that you will "fit in" better with people. Trust me, I've been there, done that, and now I'm glad that I'm never going back there again. Not only will you feel disappointed in yourself, but you will never be sure that if you let your cover slip for just a second that you may lose your "friends." Trust me, there is always going to be someone out there who is just like you and who will accept you for YOU.

Don't sweat if the "boy/girl of your dreams" didn't ask you to homecoming, or prom, or whatever; or if you have recently been dumped or rejected. It obviously happened for a reason, and that person is obviously not the one. But, don't give up hope; he/she is out there!

So, stay true to yourself,

Stand up for what you believe in,

Don't EVER forget that flying is throwing yourself at the ground and missing,

and remember Sam's- from The Lord of the Rings- wise words: That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo... and it's worth fighting for.

With that in mind, Thank you for reading all about me:

Ang <3

Interview With The Author [Book One: Completed]Where stories live. Discover now