Interview With laf-rider99

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1.Wattpad Username(s):


2. Age:

12(yes I know I am to young!) 

3. Gender:


4. What are the names of all the books you write or have posted on Wattpad?

 Dreams Can Be Killer AND Interviews  

5. Which of these books are/was your favorite story to write and why?

 Dreams Can Be Killer, because first the other on isn't really a story and also because I like to read adventure stories and it is and adventure story.

6. Do any of the scenes in your books come from real life experiences, and if so do you want to elaborate which scenes and in what books?


7. When you're writing, do you have a schedule or maybe you have something that you do when you're writing such as listening to music?

 Not really(I know I am kinda boring haha)

8. What inspired you to want to start writing and posting your stories for hundreds, perhaps thousands of people to read?

My friend, Penguin399

9. Who is your number one inspiration when it comes to writing?

 I am not sure maybe my mom

10. When did you first start writing?

When I was younger I wrote a little bit of poems like around 6 or 7, but I acually started writing stories like when I was 9 or 10

11. Why did you start posting stories on Wattpad?

Well as I said before my friend inspired me to, and when I got an account she would always as when I was going to be putting up my story

12. What do you love most about writing?

I like writing first because it is fun :) and second because I like to write rather than just sit in front of the tv all day

13. If you could change one thing in any of your books, what would it be?

A lot of times I wish I could change the character names 

14. When you start writing a new book, does it already have a plot or are you as clueless as to what will happen as your fans are?

When I start writing normally I have the first 2 or 3 chapters planned, then I am just as clueless as everyone else 

15. When starting a new story, what comes into your mind first, the Title, the basic idea of the book, or the characters?

The basic idea

16. If you could tell your fans one thing, besides Thank You, what would it be?

 umm... maybe how I came up with the story

17. What would you like to tell all of the Hope-To-Be Authors that are currently on Wattpad?

I would tell them that a lot of time writing is not as hard as some people say it is and that they shouldn't be discouraged by what others say, they should be stronger, because what doesn't kill you makes you stronger ;)

18. Do you use any other sites to post your stories?

19. Would you like to share you Facebook, Tumblr or Twitter with fans and readers?

I only have a facebook and that is private :)

20. Would you like to mention anything else that I’ve forgotten?

Thanks for letting me have an interview!!!! 

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