Interview With Myrnakierstyn

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1) I use two usernames for Wattpad:

Crescent14 & Myrnakierstyn.

2) Age:

I would like to keep it private.

3) Gender:

I am a female

4) The books I have written or posted are:

The Misadventures of P.B Winterbottom, The Life Of Death, My Little Teen: Friendship is Magic, Rosaline Homeward and A Tale Of Two Books.

5)  It is really hard to say which one is my favorite because you see when I get an idea; a "little movie 'pops'" in my head so then I have very exciting parts of each story I have written.  I believe my favorite may be The Misadventures Of P.B Winterbottom because imagine you are the writer writing about two criminals point of view and it has pie fantasy and time traveling and misfortune for poor P.B Winterbottom; then you play a whole organization trying to hunt down P.B for rich and fame.  I just think the book is suppose to be odd, clever, mysterious and interesting since I have not ever written a book like it, to me it seems like an enjoyable book to write.

6) In the book: A Tale Of Two Books, it portrais my trip to Germany, (where Swank live's.) I really enjoyed Germany so much I had to add it, the green meadows and the setting reminds me alot of the first view scenes with Maria in The Sound Of Music. I really would like the reader to see what  I saw in the green meadows of Germany. 

7) I really don't have a schedule, I just come on when I am free of Homework. When I am writing I have some dolls, (yes I repeat dolls) to help me figure out what should happen next by playing with them, I do listen to music but sometimes I don't because then I get caught up in the music and forget about writing.

8) When I was young I really just began to write on my own lots of stories. Recently a famous writer came to my school and told me to keep on writing becaus I was great! I then soon found  a site like Wattpad called: Quizilla, I started to write a little about my stories, then some writer on Quizilla recomended Wattpad. I soon decided to write stories to the people, for fun and to recieve feed back on my work.

9) My number on insperational writer is I think writers because everyone is different and picking one is no fun, the more insperation the better ideas you have and feel about writing.

10) I have to say I have not completed any of my stories, yet because of time.  People may argue that the story The Life Of Death is finished but it is not...yet. :)

11) My favorit part of writing a story would by the middle/end because then the plot kicks in more, there is action drama and it keeps us as readers on the edge of our seat wairing to see what is the end.

12) My favorite part of reading a book is middle also because something interesting happens, somehow.

13) I do not exactly have a favorite book of all time but one of my favorites is: A Mango-Shaped Space by Wendy Mass.

14) The first book I recall I first read was A New Home, it is a book I read in Kindergarden. To this day I still have the book in good condition as it was when I was five.

15) I have many favorite authors also but my top two would be: Wendy Mass & Coleen Paratore because the books they have written are truley amazing I could not but the book down when I began to read it.

16)  The first thing I would ask my favorite author would be Where do you get your insperation?

17)  To tell you the truth I will never know how I started writing but I guess I believed myself so much I just went with it.

18)  My favorite Wattpad author...that is kinda tricky but for now I will say XxSkater2Girl16xX because to me it is amazing how she comes up with these brilliant ideas for stories and makes the story so believable, it is just truley amazing.

19)  I would ask my favorite author if she thinks I should keep writing, you know if it is good so I should conintue.

20) to tell you the truth I have no idea.

21)  I have a few things to say

1 to every reader and writer Keep on doing what you do best.

2 I am not the best speller so if I did make mistakes feel free to tell me I want to become better at it.

3 I have my own business called: The Sewing Network so if you happen to be on google go on! (I sell Jewelry) :)

and thank you to Internet Junkie for setting up this interview : )



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