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I strutted down the hallway, pleased and satisfied with Pete's birthday gift for me. It was Origin Of Symmetry, Absolution and The 2nd Law all by Muse on Vinyl, to go with the record player Patrick bought me. And then they decided it would be necessary to buy me chocolate, too. I was thankful.

I opened the door to English and putting a cup of coffee on Mr Urie's desk, I sat opposite it.

"I got you coffee. You look like you need it." Brendon had dishevelled hair and a creased shirt, along with very prominent bags under his eyes. "Extra cream, extra sugar just how you like it."

"How did you know?" He asked, grasping the paper cup with my name on it with a gleeful look, hope shining in his eyes.

"You seem like that type of that person I completely black coffee kinda guy. I went with the first one."

"I wouldn't have minded black,"

"Is that a complaint?"

"No, just saying you didn't have to think about it that much 'cuz I would have liked both."

"Fair. Why do you look so tired anyway?"

"Well, it's almost summer. Kids are handing all their projects in right now for some reason."

"Well no one hands it in early, now do they? Anyway, I'll get you a coffee for the foreseeable future because without it I'm not going to receive the proper education my homeland pays their taxes for." I said, crossing my arms.

Brendon fake gasped and put his hand over his mouth.

"You're priority is an English lesson about To Kill A Mockingbird compared to your kind, amazing, intelligent, manly man of a teacher? I'm shocked!"

"You are none of those things!"

He gasped again.

"I have the power to suspend you and give a bad reference to Hogwarts so don't even think about it."

"Whatever makes you sleep at night."

"Anyway," Brendon started, pulling open a drawer and pulling out a envelope. "It's your birthday today, right? I remember you telling me one time I think."

He gave it to me and I replied yes, opening the card. On the front was a Pepe with a party hat on, but inside he wrote a message.

"And I got you something, so come back after school."

I was kind of confused at first, but I thought I'd go along with it. I took two steps towards Brendon and hugged him, grateful that he remembered my birthday, got me a card and a gift. I don't even remember telling him.

"Thank you."

"It's nothing."

The bell sounded through the halls and classrooms, signalling a suggestion to depart from Brendon's chest to my next class.

"I'll see you after school?" I asked, guaranteeing I wasn't imagining it.

"Yeah." He smiled, waving as I exited his classroom.


I made my way down the stairs from science, rather excited about what Brendon had for me. I then entered the desolate hallway and it was completely empty except for a boy who had a blonde fringe and glasses, and he was wearing a black hoodie and skinny jeans. He looked very familiar. I was about to grasp the cold metal handle to Mr Urie's class when a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

"You're Scarlet, right?" I turned to see who was talking to me and was faced with the boy who was standing a meter away from me a second ago.


"Well, I'm Gerard's brother, Mikey." I already knew this wouldn't turn out well. "I just wanted to say you're a total bitch."

"Excuse me?" I questioned loudly, offended.

"You caused a lot of pain to my older brother! Did you know he cried about you once? He's never cried over a girl! But I'm glad to see he's in his rage stage."

"Well I'm sorry for what happened between us, but why are you getting involved, it was nothing to do with you!" I almost yelled, the inconsideration and ignorance of this person was infuriating me.

"Because he's always sad! You deserve to suffer, too!"

At that point he grabbed my wrist, and by the look in his eyes he didn't realise, but it was very painful.

"Would you mind stop being an asshole fascist and stop hurting Scarlet?" I heard a voice say loudly.

I turned immediately and saw Brendon stand there, anger plastered over his face.

The Death Of A Bachelor - Brendon Urie teacherxstudent fanfic auWhere stories live. Discover now