I looked at him wide eyed, "What?!" I gasped. "No. DO NOT give me that face." He said uninterested with what story I had to tell him. "I want the truth." He demanded. "Things happened with my ex. But nothing like that dad I promise." I said cutting straight to the point. "I can't believe you. Do you know how embarrassing it is to hear Mrs. Reid ask me what happened to you and James?! And the fact that he wants the engagement called off... I'm beside myself Nadine. What have you done???!" My father asked upset.
My mind began to go all over the place. I was confused, upset, and embarrassed. "I'll go to the Reid's dad." I said putting a plan together in my head. "Do what you want Nadine. I can't... deal with you." My father said, his words eating away at me. He couldn't even look at me as I made my way out of the room.
Looking down at my chest, I could feel my heart pound wildly. "Come on Nadine. Fix this." I say taking a deep breath. 1, 2, 3, I count and quickly press the doorbell before I could cower away. "Oh. Nadine." Mrs. Reid said looking at me. "Go... home." She said to me. My mouth dropped open in disbelief. "I just want to talk to James." I beg. "He has a visitor." She says as I faintly hear James's laugh. I look pass Mrs. Reid... And my heart shattered. Even though the Reid's home was large, I couldn't be seeing things. Sarah was standing in the living room with her back toward me. "Tita who is it?" She called out but never moved her head... her voice. It really was Sarah. "No one." Mrs. Reid replied. "I'm sorry." She said to me before softly closing the door in my face.
I run to my car, "UGHHHHHHHHHHH DAMN THIS! AHHHHHHH!" I burst out yelling in my car unable to contain my frustration any longer. "I HATE MYSELF. ASDFGHJKL;'!!!!!" I screech punching my steering wheel.
I take my phone out of my bag and send James a text. "I messed up I'm sorry. " Putting my keys into the ignition, I speed away from everything and everyone. Blanked out, I drive aimlessly in a mostly empty, woodland area. Before I could react, it happened and everything black out.
A Two Days Later
"She'll be fine. I prescribed her some antibiotics for her wounds so she won't get any infections but other than, she should make a full recovery with little scaring.
"Daddy?" I say my eyes refocusing. "Dinnie." He says softly brushing my cheek. "What happened?" I ask, my voice sounding hoarse. "You got into an accident... and lost consciousness for two days." He explained. I instantly felt embarrassment toward my father. "I'm so sorry dad I can't believe this happened." I say quickly sitting up causing me to feel dizzy. "No it's my fault. I shouldn't have forced you to get engaged with someone you didn't know." He said apologetically. Not saying anything, I hug him.
Mr. Mercado's class... I say nervously before stepping into the room. I had suggested to my father that I attend school, even with the gauze still on my face and body. I had missed enough school, I'm not going let anything stop me. "Hey Nadine! Are you alright?" My friend Sammy asked me as she ran down toward me. "Yeah..." I say shyly. James was in the room, but was now sitting far away from me. "Everyone thought you were kidnapped or something. You just disappeared." Sammy continued as people stole peaks at my wounds. "I wasn't kidnapped." I said placing my things on the floor.
"Wellit wasn't that far off because you looked banged up." She said inspecting mywounds. This had caught James attentionbecause I felt him glance at me multiple times in class.
My Fiance
Romance~Sometimes love will happen, even when you don’t want it too. “Oh uh. Uh. Hello. Nice to meet you Tita.” I say greeting her in utter confusion. “Oh dear, I’m so sorry darling. I’m Samantha Reid, your mother-in-law.” She replies. This leaves me shock...