Chapter 3

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One of the most awkward dinners was probably the one I was sitting at. Plates of food hadn't been touched in the past twenty minutes.

Lisa glared at me. "Demi, stop playing with your food!"

"Would someone please explain to me what the hell is going on!" Dylan furiously asked while chucking his knife and fork down onto his plate.

Lisa placed her hand gently over Dylans. "Baby, calm down. We didn't want to tell you because we thought it would be a nice surprise."

I laughed sarcastically. "What a wonderful surprise!" I watched as Dylan's brown eyes rolled in annoyance before he looked away from me.

My dad furrowed his eyebrows and asked, "Demi! What is the problem?"

Dylan cut in. "What's the problem? The fact that I was just getting use to the idea of someone moving in and now I have to deal with her!" Dylan gestured his thumb at me and groaned. I subtly moved my foot under the table and slammed my heel down hard onto his foot. He grunted and I hurriedly spoke up so no one could hear him.

"You know what the problem is?"

"May I be excused?" Dylan cut in.

"No you may not! We are having a discussion!" My dad answered for Lisa.

Dylan turned speechless for a second, that was until he disrespected my father, "You can't tell me what to do!"

"Oh but your mom can boss me around?" I interjected.

"Both of you, shut up!" Lisa slammed her hands on the table. She took a deep breath in and then exhaled. "Dylan, you have to listen to Michael now."

"Michael is not my father! And she will never be my sister! No matter what you and Mike do with your lives. So non of them will tell me what to do! Do you understand?" Dylan pushed his chair back and headed upstairs.

"You get back right this instance young man!"

It was no use. Dylan totally ignored my dad and slammed his bedroom door shut.

Deciding that this conversation was over, I too, got up and left. My dad looked stunned. "Just were do you think you're going?"

I rolled my eyes and answered, "To make a phone call."


I dialed Meg's number and patiently waited for her to pick up. "Hey! I've been waiting for your phone call all day. How's California?"

I plonked down onto the sofa and answered, "It's shit!"


"Lisa has a son! Her and my dad both decided on keeping it a secret! Why? Because they thought it would be a surprise!"

"Wait? What? How old is he?"

Of course, I told Meg I have to deal with a nuisance and she was only interested in who the guy was. "I don't know. By the looks of it maybe 19?"

"A bit young but if he's good looking it's fine, I'll still shag him."

"Meg!" I jotted up off the sofa to the front lawn for incase my father were to hear Meg.

"What?" I heard her laugh in the background. "It's only a year younger than me. Actually, you should take him."


"Why not? Oh no wait. I forgot. You fucking date ten million year old guys." She sarcastically added.

Offended by Megs accusation, I sighed to myself before replying, "That's not the point. He's a fucking asshole. And he will be my step brother soon!"

Her historical laugh carried through the phone until it turned silent before she responded, " Yes of course. But we both know that even if you find a new guy that's a perfect fit for you in California you still won't go for it." A second passed before she added, "Get over him, Demi."

I wanted to. I wanted more than anything to get rid of his voice, his harsh touch but it wasn't that simple. "Yeah. I should probably go before my dad starts to wonder were I am."

"Okay, well call me tomorrow and tell me all about this guy."

I laughed and responded, "Okay" before ending the phone call. Reluctantly, I got up from the porch and headed back inside.

"Who were you talking to?" My dad asked from the lounge where him and Lisa were both currently watching a movie.


"Who's that?" Lisa asked.

"One of my best friends who I'm probably not going to see until I go to collage because my father decided on proposing to you." I responded dryly before heading upstairs.


An annoying rhythmic pattern banged on my door, distracting me from finishing up my last bit of unpacking of clothes that needed to fit into my cupboard. I glanced in the mirror, tucked a few strays of hair behind my ear and headed to the door.

I swung my door open to find Dylan leaning against the frame with a box next to his feet. "Last one." He kicked it in my direction and I narrowed my eyes.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't kick my stuff." I snapped.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't kick my stuff." He mocked in a highly pitched voice before laughing to himself. "What are you going to do about it, Demi?" His eyes, guarded by thick lashes, challenged me.

I glared at him. "I'm not scared of you." I crouched down and picked up the box he had dropped off and placed it onto my table.

"Oh yeah?" He started, "You don't know me, Demi."

I glanced over my shoulder at him and rolled my eyes before unpacking the box filled with books. "Please, it doesn't take much to know you, given the fact that when I first arrived here you thought I was here to sleep with you."

The corner of his lips quirked up into a boyish grin before he entered my room. "And you think I don't know you?" He plonked down onto my bed and picked up one of my books before paging through it.

"Don't remove the book-"

"You've obviously got way too many books to hide the fact that you're a nerd, which tells us that you have no life." He chucked the book behind him, which hit the wall and landed on the floor.


"You either had or haven't had a boyfriend, given how you are currently dressed." I glanced down at my outfit. Okay, it wasn't the best but what did he expect? I was hungover this morning and I had to spend seven hours in a car. "And last but not least, you're uptight." Fury poured through my veins. He had no right judging me like that. He smiled and asked, "Did I miss anything?"

"Get the fuck out of my room Dylan!"

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