Chapter 20

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"She's where?" I heard Dylan ask my father. His voice startled me out of my memory. I scanned the sky, focused on collecting myself. I blinked the tears back and took a deep breath.

Before I could make an attempt to move, he was scrambling up on the roof. "What are you doing?" I asked before running my finger along the corner of my eye, struggling to tuck the emotion away.

"Uh, besides trying not to fall off and kill myself?" Dylan scooted next to me. "I came up here to find you."

"I was going to come down."

"Well, I'm here now. Just let me catch my breath." Eyeing the distance to the ground, he shifted back and bent his knees to rest his arms over them, trying to appear casual, but his back remained tense. "Why are you up here?" He asked. Then he noticed my amused expression. "Oh, you think it's funny that I'm hating this right now, don't you?"

"Yes." I teased. "Lie down next to me."

Dylan lowered himself so his body was lined up against mine. My senses heightened even with that slight touch. He gazed up at the sky with his hands behind his head. "It's quiet."


We let the silence surround us. Lying next to Dylan stirred thoughts of the conversation I had with Ethan the previous day. "Why do you want to stay with me, Dylan?" I whispered, focusing on a plane that passed by.

"Other than the fact that I'm extremely attracted to you?" He teased. I elbowed him.

"I'm serious."

"I know you are." He collected himself. "I don't talk about my feelings and you accept that. We don't have to speak at all and it's comfortable. Most girls need to know what I'm thinking, feeling, wanting... constantly. You don't."

"But my life is complicated. As well as the fact that you'll soon be my step brother." I argued.

"And I want to be there to help you. The key word is soon."

"But whatever this is, I can't give you more." I warned. "We're not dating. We're just-"

"Hanging out." Dylan finished lightly. I propped myself up onto my elbows and smiled down at him. Dylan's eyes flickered across my face. "And because I'm so attracted to you, we sometimes get to hang out naked."

I opened my mouth in feigned offence, but before I could say anything, he pulled me down and captured my words with his soft lips. Just like that, I surrendered to him and all the questioning thoughts vanished.

I positioned myself against his sculpted chest. I clutched his shirt in my fist, overtaken by the charge rushing through my body. Dylan titled my head up and caressed my neck with his soft lips, tasting my skin. He turned me onto my back but then suddenly stopped.

When I opened my eyes, Dylan wore a panicked look on his face, suddenly very aware of where he was. I bit my lip and tried to contain the laugh that was so eager to surface.

"We on the roof!" He announced and noticed I was holding back a laugh. "You would have loved to have sex on the roof. Wouldn't you?"

I burst out laughing and slung my hand around his neck, pulling him down for one last kiss.

He grinned against my lips. "Come on, they waiting downstairs for us."

I sighed before grabbing his outstretched hand and jumping up, clutching his arm as fear hit my legs at the height we were currently at. "Remind me why we are going to the zoo."

He smiled. "Our parents want us to do something productive."


We returned to the house hours later, full of French fries and ice cream.

"That wasn't so bad, right?" Lisa prodded, tossing my dad's car keys on the table.

"No," I laughed. "I never thought I would feed a giraffe, so thank you." Dylan smiled, his lopsided grin evident on his face. With those lips that made me want to...


I dropped my gaze and glanced up at my dad. "Huh?"

"I asked if Mexican was okay? For supper." I gave a toothy smile at my dad, liking that idea. Dylan mimicked my facial expression and slumped onto the couch. "So it's settled. Lisa and I will quickly go and get the food, while the two of you wash the dishes."

Both Dylan and I inwardly groaned.

"Or we could make sandwiches for supper?" Lisa threatened.

"Fine, we'll wash the dishes."

"You're forgetting you don't have a choice." My dad concluded as they headed out the front door.

"Are you going to join me or not?"

My skin was still humming from the number of times he'd inadvertently brushed his arm against mine as we strolled along the paved path. And of course it had to be one of the prettiest zoos ever, making the urge to hold his hand that much more intense.

I joined him on the couch, squirming back so I could feel the firmness of his body. My body eased as his skin caressed me.

Dylan slid his hand over my hip slowly, teasing my skin before pulled my jeans down. A mischievous smile crept onto my face as I kicked them off. My breath become erratic. I ground back against him, his hot breath in my ear. He moved into me, causing me to gasp in pleasure.

His grip on my hips tightened. As his muscles contracted, Dylan pushed deeper with a grunting breath as a moan escaped. He slid one hand to my aching nerves and began to rub circular sensations around my clit. I couldn't take it any longer. I swiftly turned onto my back and grabbed onto Dylans ass, digging my nails deeply into it to pull him impossibly closer to my body.

His pace picked up and I soon felt myself nearing climax. Just as the high hit I felt Dylan slow his pace and push one last thrust deep inside me before his tightening grip on the sheets loosened. 

"I don't think I have the energy to do the dishes anymore." He finally said. I let out a light laugh as a smile erupted across his face. "But it's fine because I have this sexy beast that will do them for me."

"Nice try," I teased. "But I think you're doing them alone." And with that said, I shoved him off the couch, causing his ripled figure to collapse onto the floor with a loud thud.

In a quick motion, his hand gripped my wrist and pulled me to tumble over on top of him. He laughed as I scowled down at him. I don't think I could ever get enough of his laugh.

He slung his hand around my neck, lowering my face closer to his. "We both know that won't happen." His breath fanned my lips.

I smiled as he captured my lips with his.

The door burst open and Dylan shot up at such a fast pace that I had whip lash as he chucked me to the side.

"Forgot your dad's wallet." Lisa laughed and grabbed it off the coffe table before glancing at us lying on the carpet. I glanced at Dylan. I couldn't imagine how weird it looked. At first she just stared at us but smiled after shaking her head. "The dishes better be done by the time we get back, you two!"

We chuckled awkwardly as she shut the front door. I took one glance at Dylan and the both of us burst into laughter. "You chucked me like a million miles away! I could have hit the wall!" I scowled.

"Somebodys being extra dramatic today. Would you rather have had my mother walk in on us making out?"

"You have to make it up to me."

I watched as he got up from the floor and cupped my cheeks. He knew how awkward I felt when he just stared at me intently. "You're such an awkward pop." I punched him in the stomach. A breathy laugh escaped his lips as he clutched to it tightly. "But you're my awkward pop." I rolled my eyes. Him and his cheesy words. His lips made contact with mine and he pulled back a little too soon for my liking. "I'll wash the dishes while you pick a movie for tonight."

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