Chapter 28

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I thought I heard voices. I tried to ignore them but they were giggly. I shifted and Dylan mumbled something behind me. The warmth of his hand placed close to my stomach caused my breath to hitch in my throat.


No response.

"Where's Demi?" I shot up in bed forcing Dylan to roll over.

"Dylan, wake up!" I urged in a panic.

Meg shuffled around outside the door until I heard her footsteps heading over to this bedroom. "Shit, Dylan." I knew what had to be done.

I put all my might into my hard shove that sent Dylan flying to the floor. A loud thud echoed throughout the room followed by a highly annoyed grunt. He blinked his eyes open. "Meg is coming."

"What?" He mumbled, rubbing his eyes with such frustration.

"Meg!" He finally caught on just as a knock sounded at the door. Dylan scrambled for a pillow and dropped to the floor.

Meg poked her head in, "Demi?" When she saw I was awake, she smiled. "Hi."

"Hi," I said, smiling in return, trying to calm down from panic mode.

She noticed Dylan on the floor 'sleeping' and halted in her footsteps. "We'll be down stairs." She noted before exiting the room.

I threw a pillow at Dylan and he caught it effortlessly. Dylan chuckled as I sighed dramatically in relief, throwing myself back to lay down.

"I'm going to take a shower." I declared and got up to gather my clothes. Dylan's hand wrapped around my ankle, preventing me from going any further. "Let go, Dylan!"

Laughter erupted from his stomach as he pulled at my ankle and I stumbled over my clumsy feet. I landed on his thighs, squealing as his hands gripped onto my legs. I swatted him playfully on the chest and he barely flinched. His hands clenched into my legs as his breath became shaky.

"You can't sit like that." He stated. I glanced down and saw his pants rise a bit.

A devilish smile took over my lips as a light pinkish colour was evident on his cheeks. "Yeah, why not?" I grinded against his hips and his hands shot up to my waist to steady it.

His fingers dug deep into my skin before I was tipped to the side, landing next to him. "Don't tease me like that." His eyes twinkled with a mischievous glint to them. "Go shower. We can't leave Meg and Cole alone for the whole day who knows what they will do to our house."

I reluctantly got up and headed to the bathroom. Shutting the door behind me, I turned on the shower and waited for the water to warm up. Stepping under the hot streams, I quickly washed up and conditioned my hair.

After climbing out of the shower, I blow dried my hair and tied it up half way. Staring at my reflection, I had a hard time deciding on whether or not I should wear makeup. After making up my mind, I decided on a powder base and mascara.

When I got down stairs, the smell of bacon and eggs made my stomach growl. Entering the kitchen, Dylan was by the stove, Cole was pouring orange juice into four glasses and Meg sat by the centre island with a magazine in her hand.

"Hey." I greeted and took a seat next to Meg.

She smiled and placed the 'You' magazine down on the counter. "Jared says hi."

Dylan dropped a mug and glass scattered across the floor, broken pieces shot under the counter and into Dylan's foot. "Shit." Dylan mumbled before he bent down and picked up the larger pieces. "Sorry guys." He glanced my way just as fast as he broke the eye contact.

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