Chapter 17

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I rose late the next morning. It had taken me most of the night to fall asleep. All I could think about was Dylan sleeping in the room across from me. It never use to bother me until now.

I thought about locking myself in my bedroom for the day and read a book I've been wanting to read for quite a while but I didn't.

I took my time showering and getting ready, hoping the day would slowly pass by.

Dylan was on the couch when I finally opened my bedroom door and headed downstairs. He was engrossed in the puzzle, which was only about a third complete.

"Hey," he greeted. "I'm addicted to this puzzle. Are you hungry?"

"I can get something." I told him. "You keep at it. Do we have cereal?"

"Yeah. But there's eggs to make an omelet, if you'd prefer."

"I don't cook." I opened the cabinets in search of a breakfast I would be able to prepare. After finding the cereal, I poured the flakes into a bowl and doused them with milk.

I sat on the arm of the couch, eating and examining the pieces. Every so often, I'd notice a fit and lean over to put it in place. "You can sit down, you know." Dylan encouraged.

"Why don't we do something else today?" I asked as I was on my way to the kitchen to set the bowl in the dishwasher.

"Like what?" Dylan pondered.

"I don't know. You've lived here your whole life. I'm sure you can come up with something." I teased.

"We could go surfing?" He suggested.

I glanced back at him, but his eyes were focused on the puzzle. "I've never been surfing."

"I can teach you."

I pondered the idea. Well, it was definitely better than sitting crampt up in a house for the whole day. "I'd like that."


I barely made it into the water that day. Dylan spent most of the time showing me techniques on the sand before he would allow me to take a board in the ocean.

When we finally did get in the water, it was all about how to lie and sit on the board, along with instructions on how to paddle at the right time to catch a wave. I envied Eric and Chase who swam deeper in the ocean, standing up on their surfboards. I felt bad for Aiden and Dylan who had to stay behind and help me. Dylan refused to let me out of his sight in case I drowned. I kept telling him I've been in the ocean a couple of times but that seemed to go through the one ear and out the other again.

We arrived at home by four, after stopping by Eric's house for a quick drink. Since we had not eaten the whole day, Dylan suggested we go out for supper.


"Do you ever get the urge to get in your car and just keep driving?" I asked after we'd placed our orders. I couldn't wait to dig into my tangy chicken mayo burger and oreo milkshake.

"How would you know when to stop?" Dylan challenged, taking a seat in the booth. He had ordered a beef burger with extra fries and a soda.

"I guess when you find something worth stopping for." I replied, taking the seat opposite to him.

"I wonder how far you'd travel till that happened." Dylan pondered but ended up smiling. "You're different Demi."

I snorted. "How many girls have you used that line on?"

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