Chapter 8

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"Take out your homework."

I froze. We had Science homework? I hastily pulled out my diary book and saw it jotted down on the page of the first day at school. I cupped my face in realisation and dropped my head onto my folded arms. I groaned out loudly as I heard Mrs Smith's heels click louder on the ground as they got closer and closer to my desk.

"Miss Radyn." My head snapped up at the sound of my surname to see Mrs Smith glaring down at me, with a confused expression on her face. "Where may I ask, is your homework?"

"I-uh, I forgot it at er at home. May I please bring it tomorrow ma'am?"

"I'm very disappointed. It's your first week and you have not completed your homework." She sneered at me. "I hope this won't be a usual pattern."

"Sorry to disappoint." I snapped.

"Excuse me?" Mrs Smith gasped. Her eyes widened in shock as her face gushed red with anger. Oh shit. "Detention!" She barked.


My hand knocked timidly on the door of the detention room. That was the second time I had attended detention. The first was when I arrived late at my old school for a prefect conference.

Cautiously, I entered the room to come face to face with Mr Van Staden, who was slumped in his chair, with a newspaper in his hand. He seemed to be a more laid back teacher. "Sign the detention slip and take a seat."

I did as told and turned to face the room, that was pretty much empty. I recognised this one girl, Kelly, that everyone seemed to have dispised because of her body odour. A boy with a lip piercing and died blond hair sat in front and a couple who clearly had no problem with PDA was spread out at the back of the class.

I made my way to a seat closest to a window, making sure I was as far away from Kelly as possible.

This sucks.

I should have been at home, catching up on the Bachelor but instead I was stuck in the detention room.

I winced as I heard the door open but did not bother to move an inch to see who was joining us. "Sign the detention slip and take a seat." Mr Van Staden repeated.

"Well, look at what the cat dragged in." My head darted up at the familiar voice and I huffed when I realised who it was.

Dylan chuckled before pulling out the chair beside me and plonking himself down. Eric mimicked Dylan's action, taking the seat in front of my desk.

"What are you doing in detention, babe?" Eric teased before stuffing a piece of gum into his mouth and offering Dylan a piece.

I rolled my eyes before replying, "I could ask you the same thing."

Dylan smiled before shrugging his shoulders, nonchalantly. "I guess Miss Klinker had a problem with being 'complimented'." Eric laughed at Dylan's accusation as Dylan made air quotation marks with his two index fingers.

Miss Klinker was an art teacher, with probably the best figure out of the entire school. Her hair was long, thick and wavy, which I'm pretty sure all the girls envied.

"What about you?" Dylan pondered as he held his index finger up to his lip. "Tell me you did not incomplete your homework miss Radyn?" His mouth dropped open dramatically as he gasped to add extra affect when I did not reply. "Eric, I think we dealing with a rebal here."

"Ag, shut up." I punched his shoulder and the two of them crackled up into fits of laughter.

"That's enough." Mr Van Staden snapped, probably annoyed as much as I was at their childish behaviour.

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