Chapter 30

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Two years later.


☆Dylan's point of view☆

"Dylan!" The Starbucks attender called out my name with my order in her hand.

I locked my phone and quickly got up to fetch it. A flirtatious smile spread across the girls face while she handed me my latte and bagel. I was shocked to see a number written across the cup. I glanced up at her and smiled. After thanking her, I turned around to leave.


I froze halfway to the exit. Glancing back, I watched as Demi gracefully got up with a smile on her face as she held her phone up to her ear, laughing at what ever it was the person on the other end of the phone had told her.

Her hair, that once hung loosely by her hips, was cut short, just stopping by her collarbone. It framed her face beautifully.

I caught myself smiling when she dropped her phone, cursing to herself in frustration.

Go talk to her.

I tried to ignore my subconscious but found it very difficult. Her blouse was unbuttoned at the top, attracting my eyes to her chest as she bent down to pick up her battery.

I glanced away, biting my lip gently as the thought of her naked body agaisnt mine came to mind.

After grabbing her order out the attenders hand, she quickly slipped her phone into her back pocket and spun around on her heel but stopped.

My eyes trailed up her ankles, muscular thighs and tiny waist that wasn't there before. She had frozen in her step once her eyes locked with mine. Without even noticing, I had begun my way towards her.

Her face lit up a pinkish colour that I hadn't seen on anybody for what felt like forever. "Hey." I greeted, grinning like a wild animal.

You're such an idiot.

The corner of her lips twitched upwards into that breathtaking smile of hers that always had me captive. "Dylan?" Hearing her say my name was enough to make me go crazy. How is it possible that I still felt this way for her? "How long has it been?"

"About two years." I chuckled awkwardly.

"How's Lisa?"

I thought back to my mom who I hadn't seen in about five or six months. "I think she's doing good. I haven't seen her in quite a while actually." My hand lifted up to my neck and I scratched it, an awful habit I have not yet to overcome. "I'm actually an electrical engineer now. My dad got back into the picture and was able to provide me with. . . that position."

Her eyes widened in shock. "Wow, looks like your dream job came true."

"Yeah, I guess I was just lucky. What about you?"

"I'm actually studying microbiology at the moment. Working at 'Linger' as a waitress in the meantime." Her face tilted downwards to the ground as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Microbiology, what happened to psychology?"

Her shoulders shrugged carelessly. "Changed my mind."

I chuckled. "Always has been one of your habits." I teased.

Her eyes lit up with mischeviousnes as an amused smile spread across her lips. "Oh really?" Gosh I've missed her.

I smiled. "What are you doing back here?"

"Visiting Raquel, we've actually kept in contact for the past year. Apparently she's engaged."

"Not to Chase I presume." Raquel and Chase broke up about a month after Demi moved and I haven't seen Raquel but I still keep in contact with Chase.

"No, I believe his name is Stephan. I'm going to meet him in about an hour."

I nodded my head in understanding. "Maybe if you're not busy some time this week we could get together?" I waited in anticipation to see her reaction.

"I'd like that."

I felt my smile grow wider and she didn't fail to notice it. "You still have my number?"

"Yeah, I'll give you a call?"

"Sounds good." With one last glance, we said our goodbyes as we went our opposite ways.

I glanced back and caught her looking over her shoulder at me, she smiled brightly and rolled her eyes playfully before turning back around and walked away.

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