Chapter 7

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My heartbeat sped up. A huge lump formed in my dry throat. "Hi." I managed to choke out. I waited in anticipation for him to reply.

"Baby, I miss you." I headed to the porch and stumbled onto the chair furthest away from Lisa and my dad. I felt my torso shake and goosebumps explode over it.

Dylan gracefully got out the pool. Distracting me from the intense conversation that I was about to have. Beads of water dripped down onto his lean shoulders and broad chest while he bent down to pick up his flops. He made his way over to me and grabbed the towel out of my hands before wiping his face dry with it. I rolled my eyes when he took a seat right next to me and smirked.

"I just wanted to talk about us." I heard Ethan mutter on the other end of the phone, immediately grabbing my attention back to our conversation. I was petrified.

"Is it your boyfriend?" Dylan asked.

I waved my hand in a dismissive manner at Dylan to keep him quiet. "What phone are you calling from?"

I never deleted Ethan's number. I wanted to know if it was him calling me if he ever did decide to one day.

Suddenly, my phone was whisked away from me by Dylan who ended the phone call. He angled is body in a way to prevent me from grabbing it back. "Dylan!" I protested loudly. "Give it back!" I went for it and he retracted his hand. "Dylan I'm serious!"

My phone rang and he flipped it over to check the screen. "Ethan, is that his name?" He chuckled and got up from the sofa.

"Dylan! Okay, please give it back." I trailed after him as he skipped along the pathway towards the yard.

"Nah, let's see how desperate this guy is." He challenged, making my head want to explode. A smirk curled up the corner of his lips as my phone rang for the second time.

"Dylan!" I shoved hard against his chest. "Give it back!"

"Make me." His playful attitude disappeared, leaving him dead serious. Without a second glance, I ran inside and hurriedly made my way up to his room.

"No wait! Demi wait!" Dylan yelled after me. I got in and locked the door behind me. Gaining my breath, I turned around to scan his room.

Dylan banged on his door. "Demi! Open the door!"

I laughed and rumiged through his stuff. "No." His room was a disaster and I'm not talking about a tiny mess, I'm talking about a catastrophe! Bed not made, underwear on the floor, books scattered everywhere, cupboard wide open revealing all his dirty clothes, dirty dishes on his bed side table and rumpled up papers filled his dustbin.

"Open this fucking door!"

When I got bored of his room, I grabbed his phone off of his bed and headed to the door. Time to end this.

I opened the door and he came barging inside while closing it behind him. He held out his hand. "Okay, give it back." He insisted.

"Give what back?" I asked oblivious, which clearly made him more angry. It looked like someone couldn't handle a taste of their own medicine.

"My phone! Give it back!"

"Let's trade. My phone for your phone?" I pulled his phone out from my back pocket and held it out to him.

"Okay." He dangled my phone by his fingertips, swaying it back and forth, tempting me to grab it. I went for it but he pulled it away. "No, we're doing this at the same time." An agrovated sigh escaped my lips at how ridiculously childish we were currently being.

"Okay." He held it out and waited for me to place his phone in the palm of his hand. I let go at the same time that he did and gripped my phone tight. "Asshole!" I stomped out of his room and headed back downstairs.

Rolling my eyes to myself, I took a seat on the lounger and got up as fast as I could. The chair was still soaking wet, freezing my dried bum. Annoyed, I got up to sit on the other chair closer to my dad. "Hey Demi, how was the swim?" Lisa asked.

"It was fine." I replied dryly.

Lisa's eyes widened as her and my dad shared a sneaky laugh."Okay, you want to tell us what's wrong?"

"Nothing. How long until lunch will be ready?"

My father chuckled. "Almost pumpkin. Don't you want to go and butter some rolls for us?"

I sighed before getting up from my comfortable position and trotted towards the kitchen. I pulled out the butter from the fridge and started buttering the rolls.

"Need help?"

I looked up from the rolls and groaned out loud. "No, I don't!"

Dylan smiled as he made his way over to me. "Don't be mad. Can't the guy handle a joke? I'm sure he will phone again."

"No he won't."

"Then why don't you just phone him back?"

"I cant!" I snapped before adding, "It's complicated. Just leave me alone Dylan."

He left the kitchen without saying another word. Relieved, I finally finished the rolls and headed back outside.

I set them down on the table and took a seat. Lisa came with the smoothies and finished patties before placing them onto the table.

"Looks good hey." She licked her lips and took a seat next to mine. "Dylan! Lunch is ready!"

Dylan came outside along with my dad, chattering away about fishing this weekend. Seems like the two of them are finally getting along well. "Smells good." Dylan and my dad took a seat opposite to Lisa and I.

"Sunday?" I questioned.

My dad glanced up at me. "Yeah," he started, "Lisa and I thought it would be a great idea to get out. To go to Lake view. We could fish, go canoeing and have a picnic." My dad smiled.

To be honest, that sounded perfect. I needed to get out of this house. "That sounds good."

"All right. Dig in guys." Lisa was the first to grab a burger and pour herself a smoothie.

After lunch, I helped Lisa by cleaning up the table and washing the dishes. Dylan entered the kitchen and made his way over to the sink. He dropped his cup in, splashing water all over my shirt. I glared at him. "Watch it, prick."

"Shut up, Demi."

Anger built up.

I filled one cup with water and poured it above his head, soaking him instantly. He slowly turned around after wiping his eyes dry.

Oh shit.

"You're dead."

I ran out the kitchen as fast as my legs could take me. Behind me, I could hear Dylan panting for breath. My legs began to burn with adrenaline.

I heard his footsteps gain on me and I pushed to run faster. Just as my feet touched the back deck, I was jerked backwards into Dylan's arms, so fast that I fell onto the floor with Dylan landing beside me. He straddled my legs and pinned my wrists back with one hand before soaking me with water that was held in a huge jug by his other hand. I squirmed in his grip as the water seemed to have never ended. He chucked the jug to the side and smirked down at me.

"I think you will think twice before pulling a stunt like that again."

I huffed at the weight my body was currently having to deal with, before pulling my hands out of his grip. "Get your fat ass off me!" I groaned before swatting him on his bare shoulder, making him wince slightly at the pain.

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