Chapter 29

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"Dylan?" I watched as he turned around in his seat to face me. His chair tipped, forcing him to grab onto the counter. Just then, I saw the empty bottle of vodka placed next to his empty glass. "Are you drunk?"

A bitter laugh escaped his lips. "You catch on fast princess." He stumbled off the chair and clumsily made his way over to me. The dark glow that sparked in his eyes made me stumble back. "You know what's funny?"

He took bigger steps, decreasing the amount of space he had left to get to me. "W-What?" I mumbled. His fist pushed my stomach back, trapping me against the wall. He towered over me and placed his lips close to my ear.

"I took a beating for you." His hot breath tickled my neck and the stench of alcohol burned my nose. "Did that mean anything to you?"

I swallowed heavily. "Of course it did." I trembled as his finger caressed my cheek. His soft lips made contact with my neck, which shockingly felt great for someone who was completely shit faced.

I felt the fabric of my shirt lift as his warm hands wrapped around my waist, unbuttoning my pants.

I grabbed onto his wrist, stopping his actions. "You're drunk."

He ripped his arm out of my grip, forcing himself closer to me. "That didn't stop you from fucking Aiden." His hands pinned my wrists up against the wall. "I bet he didn't treat you right princess." He placed soft kisses along my jaw, allowing a soft moan to escape from my lips.

My head automatically tilted to the side, allowing him more access.



"I'm the only one who knows how gentle you like it." Slowly, he let go of my wrists and tangled his fingers in my hair. I stared deeply into his chocolate eyes that were not soft and welcoming but lust full and narrowed in on mine.

A part of me wanted to stop fighting and allow him to take advantage of me. I craved Dylan's touch, the gentleness that he exerted. But I knew that we would both regret it the next morning.

"And you're the only one who knows just how much you will regret this." His body stiffened and he retracted his hand from my cheek, stepping back with his finger still in the belt loop of my pants. I felt intimidated.

My stiffened body relaxed as he walked away. Glancing down at my arm, I had grazed my skin at the back of my hand.



I sat in the kitchen, watching the pathetic excuse of a clock tick by with its broken edges.

What was I doing with my life?

About six minutes passed until I heard footsteps coming down the staircase. My palms became sweaty as the thought of Dylan walking around the corner crossed my mind.

My dad entered the kitchen, not too happy. I watched as he took a seat opposite from mine. "Lisa and I will be going our separate ways."

My mouth dropped open in shock. "What?" I knew it was my fault. I couldn't help but feel guilty. "Dad, you can't!"

"Dylan barged into our room last night and confessed his feelings towards you." My dad sighed heavily and for the first time I noticed how exhausted he looked.

I couldn't believe it. The both of us had managed to destroy our parents engagement. That might of been what we wanted from the very begging but I definitely wish I could take it back. Seeing how happy Lisa made my dad twisted my stomach into painful knots. Especially now because he won't have her in his life anymore. "Dad, he was drunk."

"It doesn't matter. Lisa and I have been arguing about this day after day. I can't stand the thought of my daughter sleeping around with her step brother."

My teeth clenched tight and my lips straightened into a thin line. "I'm not sleeping around."

"We moving out first thing tomorrow morning." Was his last words as he got up and left the kitchen.


I stared out at the ocean, watching the waves crash onto the shore as I collapsed down onto the damp sand. My mind wasn't at ease. Thoughts of Lisa, Dylan and my dad surfaced almost every minute.

How does it make you feel?

I closed my eyes, preventing any tear from escaping as I took deep breaths to calm my racing heartbeat.

Now your dad will never be happy!

I couldn't hold it back any longer. I felt a few tears drip down my face as I glanced down at the sand, wiping the sweat that coated my for head away.

I caught a glimpse of Dylan walking up to me. The sun reflected off the light brown strands of his neatly trimmed hair. His face was mutual. Usually he wore his heart on his sleeve but after last night I'm not too sure whether he'd do that again.

He sat down beside me, drawing one leg up to rest his arm on. I directed my head to the side, not allowing him to see how upset I was.

I waited.


"You know it's our fault." I stated. He spared a quick glance at me.

"Is that what you're concerned about?"

My eyebrows knitted together. "Excuse me?"

"Demi, your dad is planning on moving as far away from me as possible. What does that mean for us?"

"How could you possibly be so selfish at this moment." I spat out. "Do you not care about your mother?" This was not at all the Dylan I knew.

"I should've known that's all you would be worried about."

"How could you say that?" Tears gushed down my face. The wind picked up and blew my hair in all different directions. I could only imagine how horrible I looked. "All I ever wanted was for my father to be happy and I took that away from him because I couldn't get a hold of myself!"

"Do you honestly think their marriage would have lasted?"

"Of course it would have!"

"No it wouldn't have!" Dylan raised his voice to compete agaisnt me. "My mom is still caught up in all her feelings she has towards my father! It doesn't take five months for a person to get over their husband and I can tell you now that your father was a distraction for my mother!"

"You're such an asshole!" I shoved him hard against his chest. He stumbled back slightly unfazed by my attempt at hurting him.

"Call me what ever you want but you know it's the truth." I would never admit that. My father loved Lisa with all his heart and if he ever found out that she didn't feel the same way, he would be devastated all over again. Dylan examined my face carefully. "I can see those wheels turning in your head."

I glanced to the left at the ocean. A sense of calmness eroded across the both of us.

I was no longer angry.

I was no longer upset.

I was at that point of depression where I felt nothing.

"When I leave here tomorrow I don't want anything more to do with you." I watched as Dylan's face dropped. I don't think I had ever said something that harsh to him. "We need to move on in order for our parents to heal." I masked my emotions and made it very clear that I was series about it.

"Anything for you right." His voice dripped with sarcasm as he spat to the ground. He knew just how much I hated it when people did that.

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