Chapter 22

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My father waited in anticipation as I fiddled with the strap on my hospital gown.

"No." I lied, choking back the sob. It seemed like the best thing to do at that moment. I thought it would save my dad's marriage and save Dylan from getting hurt any further.

"Okay." My dad glanced to the hallway where Lisa stood sobering up from her fit of tears. "I need to speak to Lisa and get Dylan out of that cell."

I nodded my head before my dad exited the room. I lifted my hospital skirt up and was horrified with my body. My legs were purple, bruised and swollen. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and quickly swiped it away.

I can't show any emotion at this point. I needed to be strong for Dylan. After all, it was all my fault.


The next day, I was packed and ready to leave when I felt Dylan's dark presence entere the hospital room.

I built up the courage to look up at him. I didn't even recognise him. His cut open lips were firm, not curled up into a smirk and his eyes were black, turned into slits. "Your word means shit."

My chest tightened, like I was suffocating in pain. I closed my eyes to keep the tears trapped and dropped my head down to my suitcase, again. "Dylan, I'm so sorry."

"Sorry." He laughed bitterly. "For what?" His hand darted for my skirt but I blocked it away. "For him raping you?" I couldn't believe it. The Dylan I knew would never have spoken to me like that.

All the bottled up emotions flooded out and uncontrollable tears fell down my cheeks. "Don't worry," he sarcastically sympathised. "My feelings for you were long gone. Why the hell would I want to deal with your shit everyday? You're not worth it." Each word vomit that escaped Dylan's mouth punctured my heart with a new scar. "I'm shocked that you even had the guts to tell your dad that I fucked you."

"Is that all it was to you?"

"Yes it was." After his words lingered in the air, he glanced at me one last time. I didn't notice any sign of regret of what he had just said nor did I sense any hesitancy before he left.

I could feel my stomach drop. My legs too. I sat on the ground, against the wall, for support and held my knees tight against my chest. I thought I knew what heartbreak felt like. That was nothing compared to this. The pain in my chest, the ache behind my eyes and the knowing fact that things would never be the same again tore me apart.

What did I expect? That Dylan and I would tell our parents and they would be totally understanding about it. Or that Dylan would embrace me into a hug and tell me that everything will turn out to be okay. No, of course not.

After my meltdown, I lifted my head up and jumped at the sight of Aiden. I held my chest and softly panted before wiping my face dry. "You startled me."

A sympathetic smile spread across his face before he scooted next to me, resting his arms on his knees. "Demi, how did you let it get that far?"

"I don't know." His toned arm draped around my shoulder before pulling me into his chest. His scent was too familiar. The axe spray filled my nostrils, igniting the electric charge I once felt with Dylan.

"Let's get out of here." His minty breath fanned my face. Before I could answer, he got up and grabbed my suitcase.

Offering me his hand, I took hold of it and he lifted me up. "Where are we going?"

The slightest smirk was evident on his face as he excited the room, me trailing after him in curiosity.

"No car." He interjected as I was on my way to the parking lot. "We going on foot."

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