Chapter 15

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"Chug, chug, chug!" The crowed cheered around me. I watched in horror as the person standing on Lisa's favourite antique table, gulped heavily from the bottle. The crowed encouraged him as he finished the whole bottle of vodka in one go and raised it up in victory. The crowed roared to life as he threw the bottle and it smashed against the wall before his foot slipped and he lost balance. His muscular figure collapsed onto the table and landed on the tile floor with a loud thud. What an Idiot.

I angrily pushed past the crowed of people that gathered around the table to where Dylan lazily sat. "I thought it was going to be a small get together!" I yelled. "My dad is going to kill us! I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!"

His hair was dishelved, a crude smirk curled his lips upwards. Two girls clinged onto him. One had her hand on his chest, while the other had her hand on his leg, that crept up too high for my liking. "Chill."

"Are you high?" I asked in disbelief. A small laugh escaped his plump, swollen lips. "Is that a piercing?" The lip ring pierced through his bottom lip, which he caught between his teeth. I watched as Dylan's head rested on the back of the couch lazily. His eyes were glazed over and fixated on the girl that sat next to him.

"Hey, are you okay?" I turned around to find Nate. His eyes flickered over my face with concern. I nodded back, stretching on an elastic smile. He returned it, dimples formed in his chubby cheeks that melted my heart. Dimples were my weakness. "You could use a drink." He held out a paper cup, which I gladly took from him. "Sick party." He stated. "This is your house, right?"

I gulped down the drink and dropped the cup to the floor where it blended in with the rest. "Yeah." Chase's music thumped louder and louder by the minute. This party was getting out of hand. There's no way Dylan and I would be able to fix this before our parents get home.

"Do you want to go some place quieter?" Nate yelled over the music.

I glanced up at Nate, his dark blue eyes that glycined under the disco ball seemed inviting. "Yeah, sure."

He grabbed my hand which took me by suprise. I trailed after him up the stairs and into my bedroom. It was much quieter, only the base's vibration was heard from my room.

As I sat on the edge of the bed, he closed the door behind him and made his way over to me. "You seem distracted."

I looked up at him and smiled half heartedly. "My dad's going to kill us." A dry laugh escaped my lips. "How did you hear about the party?"

"This guy in my english class asked whether I was going and said that anybody was welcome." I huffed out an annoyed sigh. He tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear. "Don't worry about it," he leaned in, "It'll be fine." His lips brushed against mine. This time, I felt them. I guess I was not as drunk as I hoped to be.

His hand clutched desperately into my hair before he picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist before I slung my arms around his neck. He pushed me up against the wall and scattered the books to the floor before setting me down on the desk. His mouth trailed down my neck, until it came back up to my mouth.

He removed me from the desk and plonked me down onto the bed again. Before I knew it, his shirt was over his head and my hands were trailing down his defined muscles. "Wait," I panted, "Not here."

His warm hands slid up my shirt and around my waist before his lips met mine. I sighed in pleasure despite my wariness. "Why?" His hot breath tickled my neck. He lifted my shirt and kissed my stomach, which buzzed by the contact of his lips.

Why? Ethan's desperate voice echoed in my head.

"I can't go through with this again." I quivered. Tears filled my eyes at the remembrance of Ethan's body, of his touch. The force of his lips sliding across mine.

Nate noticed and immediately cupped my face. "Hey," he softly brushed his thumb across my cheek, "It's okay." I sat up as a tear fell down my cheek and he swiped it away. "I don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to do." He quickly picked up his shirt and put it back on before sitting beside me again.

"I'm sorry," I laughed slightly before wiping my face dry. I never broke down and I felt terrible that Nate had to deal with me. "I'm such a mess."

"Don't worry about it." He genuinely smiled down at me before grasping my hand. "Believe it or not but I don't usually hook up at parties. I just thought I could change that for tonight if it meant I got to spend it with you." He chuckled. My face flushed at his statement, which he noticed.

"But why me? We barely know each other."

He chuckled nervously. "When you stepped up to the bar that one night you just looked absolutely relaxed. Like you were comfortable in your own skin."

I glanced down at my lap. "I'm pretty sure there are plenty of girls who are comfortable in their own skin."

"But that's the thing," He spoke up, "You don't show yourself off like those girls. It's like you don't even know how beautiful you are." His words hit me like a truck. My body froze.

I snapped out of my shocked state. "We should probably head back out." I stood up to leave but he caught my wrist in his hand.

"And you still don't believe me."

"I believe that showing off your beauty is vein and accepting compliments helps achieving confidence which would eventually lead to cockiness."

His eyebrows shot up. "You couldn't be more wrong. Complementing a girl boosts her self-esteem, which could make her happy by the end of the day, not vein."

"I guess it all depends on which girl you compliment." His famous smirk intensified.

"And I complimented the right girl tonight." I was actually shocked. After I had just argued about a silly topic he was still stubborn enough to stick to his point of view. His eyes flickered across my confused expression. "I can see those wheels turning inside your head." His soft lips brushed once more across mine before he opened my bedroom door and gestured to the hallway. "After you."

"Why thank you." I teased.

When we got back downstairs to the party, I saw Raquel trapped by Chase's arm that hit the wall behind her. She had a smile plastered on her face, totally lost in Chase's eyes. He leaned in and whispered something that made her swat his arm playfully. His hand trailed down her hair, twirling a piece between his fingers.

Smiling, I glanced away and made eye contact with Eric. He playfully winked at me before raising his cup in the air. I laughed before I grabbed a random cup and 'tapped' his.

"Want a drink?" Aiden offered. I glanced up at him and smiled before taking the plastic cup. Finally, I was calm and all the problems that bothered me before, disappeared. The house was a reck. Who the fuck cares? I almost slept with a stranger. Who the fuck cares?

I tipped the cup back and decided that tonight I would let loose and have fun. Aiden's lips curved up into a smirk before he grabbed my hand and led me to the center of the dance floor. My body tingled at his gentle touch as I grinded back against him and slowly the world started spinning around me and everyone became a blurred picture that danced in the silence.

Before I knew it, I woke up in bed.

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