Chapter 26

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Eyeing Dylan's door, something didn't feel right. I walked to his room and knocked gently. Silence.

Hesitantly, I opened the door. The bed was neatly made and the room appeared. . . too clean.

When I walked in further, I saw his closet wide open, revealing nothing. I peeked into the bathroom. Everything was cleared out, except for my toothbrush.

I was about to turn around and leave the room when the folded paper caught my eye, resting on the pillow were I slept. I stared at it for a moment, contemplating whether I truly wanted to know what it said. Dread twisted in my stomach. I summoned the courage to pick it up and braced myself as I unfolded it.

I need time to think.

I lowered myself on the edge of the bed, feeling the impact of that simple sentence. "I'm so sorry." I sobbed.

I sank onto the couch and pulled the blanket off the back to try ward off the chill that had overtaken my body. But the iciness in the pit of my stomach could not be taken away as I lay back and stared up at nothing.

There was nowhere I belonged. My family was disappointed in me. Raquel didn't need me. Ethan was gone. And Dylan had walked away, finally seeing me for who I truly was.

I felt, tired. Letting the exhaustion pull at my lids, I closed my eyes and hoped the whispers would let me sleep.


I woke up suddenly, my eyes scanning the room. I was alone. I pushed the blanket off me and went out on the deck. The sun was low, spreading golden-orange and red hues across the sky.

Although I'd slept most of the afternoon, tiredness clung to me as I walked along the beach, passing kids running in and out of the water and people sitting along the shore.

You don't care about anyone other than yourself.

I stared out into the distance, beckoned by the roaring of the waves, the only sound loud enough to mask what were now sickening screams. I walked down the beach, through the haze of clouds that swept against my skin.

I stood at the waters edge. The rolling wave cresting before crashing in on itself, sweeping under my feet, pulling me into the shifting sand. It tempted me.

You can't honestly think he cares about you.

Tears filled my eyes, slipping over my lashes and down my cheeks. I was so tired of fighting the guilt. Tired of hurting.

I took a step and walked towards the horizon. Each wave that pushed me back, caused me to stumble but I kept going. Crashing under the waves, I re-emerge past the breaking point and floated on my back. The water rocked and bobbed me along its surface.

Silence consumed me. I inhaled my final breath and sunk. Curling into a ball, I closed my eyes.

Give up.

The words echoed through my head.

Breathe, Demi.

My lungs demanded for air. My heart fought for each beat.

I cloudn't give up. It wasn't who I was. I opened myself up and kicked to the top. I broke through the surface gasping for air.

I splashed through the shallow water, moving my legs faster beneath me. I broke into a run, stomping on the guilt that convinced me I would hurt everyone I cared about. My stride picked up, tears streaming down my face.

My lungs burned and my vision wavered. My tongue felt pasty in my mouth and I could barely lift my feet.

I faltered the last few steps and fell upon my knees. My entire body trembled. I tumbled over onto my back and stared up at the bright blue sky.

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