Chapter 6

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That was it! That was the final straw!

I stormed through the corridors and pushed past all the innocent bystanders. People parted like the Red Sea as I determinedly made my way to Dylan's locker.

It was overwhelming the anger I had felt for him. To think that I respected that jerk, boy was I an idiot. Just as I suspected. I found Dylan leaning against his locker, chatting up some junior with his gold medaling smile which probably had every girl swooning at his feet.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" My outburst grabbed the entire schools attention. People gathered around their lockers, eavesdropping on our conversation.

Acting totally oblivious to my anger, he glanced around the school hall smiling at the crowed, which agrovated me even more. After noticing my anger build up, he took a sip of his coke but did not break the intense eye contact between us. "What?"

I smacked the can out of his hand and the coke spilled out onto the floor. The smug look on his face faded. "Don't ever touch my clothes again!"

"Wow." Chase cut in our conversation. "What's got your panties in such a twist, gorgeous?"

"Nothing." I replied, fighting back my blush. My face had the tendancy to flush crimson at the slightest compliment but I'm working on it.

"Clearly it's not nothing." Aiden piped in, proping himself up next to Dylan against the locker.

"Are these guys bothering you, sweetie?" Eric wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his chest. "What did you do now, Dylan?" He asked with a boyish grin slapped across his face.

Dylan's smirk widened at the scene that played out in front of him. Great, they were all in on it! I retracted Eric's arm from my shoulder and stepped back. "Fuck off!" I snarled through gritted teeth.

Eric's hands flew up in surrender as he smiled at Dylan. "New girls got spunk, huh?" He teased before sending me a playful wink.

"Also, quiet the number of push up bra's." Dylan stated after a devilish smile took over his lips.

"What for?" Chase asked. "Clearly you don't need them." He pecked at my shirt in attempt to peek through, laughing along with Dylan and Eric.

"Shut up. I don't and you had no right to throw my clothes out all over our front yard!" I muttered under my breath, with my cheeks flaming red out of anger. Suprisingly, all my anger simmered away, leaving me highly confused and embarrassed as I realized the entire school had probably heard that statement.

I glanced around the hallway, suddenly very self-conscious of my breasts. Dylan chuckled at my bashfulness. "We just screwing with you, Demi."

"Yeah, well you should stop." Raquel cut in. Out of relief, all my tense muscles relaxed. Where the hell was she like two seconds ago? "Let's go, Demi."

"Hey Raquel!" Chase yelled after her as we made our way down the hallway, grabbing almost everyone's attention. She peaked over her shoulder to glare at him. "Nice ass."

She flipped him off before turning back around. Dylan, along with Aiden and Eric, laughed hysterically as Chase stood with a puzzled look on his face. I don't know how she did that with the amount of confidence she had.


After removing the weight of all my heavy books from my shoulders, I grabbed my empty lunch box, along with all the books I needed for that afternoon, and slammed my locker shut.

Walking beside Raquel, I turned to look at her and asked, "How do you know them?"

She glanced my way before nodding her head discreetly. "I have accounting with them." I shuddered at the sound of that. I could never do accounting. It was the happiest day of my life when I dropped that subject. She smiled before nudging her shoulder into mine, distracting me from my trail of thought. "They all bark and no bite." She stated. "Unless, you want them to bite you."

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