Chapter 24

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My eyes opened, barely. Squinting up at Dylan, I didn't say a word as he scolded down at me.

"Why are you here?" I croaked hoarsely. My eyes followed the drip up my arm, that had been bandaged up neatly, and landed back on Dylan.

"How could you?" I dropped eye contact as his eyes grew darker, anticipating my answer. "I don't understand why you tried to end your life when it's perfectly fine."

"Perfectly fine? How could you say that?" The amount of rage that built up was outstanding. It had been a while since I'd been that mad and it seemed to have radiated off onto Dylan as well. "I've fucked up everybody's lives including yours."

I unplastered the drip and plucked the needle out of my arm before aggressively swinging my legs out of the rock hard bed that I thought I'd never have to face again. The minute my feet hit the floor, I made a dash for the exit doors.

"Demi!" I ignored Dylan's protests as I determinedly made my way to the exit of that dreaded place. "Demi!"

"Go away Dylan!"

Just as the palm of my hand made contact with the handle on the door, a loud bang echoed through the halls as a hand darted out and slammed the door shut in my face. My eyes glued to the back of Dylan's hand that blocked my way. "Look at me."


"Not until you look at me." I gritted my teeth. It took every fiber in my body not to punch him in the face. I let go of the handle and turned around to face him. "You did fuck up my life." My hand flew out to his face but he caught it in a tight grip mid way in the air. His fingers dug deep into my flesh. "Only because you told your dad you had no more feelings for me. How could you do that?" I shoved hard agaisnt his chest but that had no affect on him.

"Let go!"

"How?" His voice deepened, refusing to let go.

I tried to calm my racing heartbeat and ignore the pain that shot up through my arm. "Please, let go. I told him that because I don't want to hurt you again."

His eyes instantly softened, along with his grip. I watched as his slender fingers brushed through his chocolate coloured hair nervously. "Can I give you a lift home?"

Shocked by his offer, I smiled thankfully and followed him to where he had parked his car earlier. Wow, that escalated fast. Buckling myself in, I knotted my fingers in my lap as he started the car.

Unfortunately, not like always, the silence that consumed us was awkward. I couldn't be happier to arrive at home. Unbuckling my seat belt, I grabbed my phone and got out of the car. Dylan remained silent.

Unlocking the front door, I heard Dylan drive away as I entered the house. Exhausted, I flopped onto the couch and grabbed the remote to turn on the TV.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw that I had received a message from Raquel.

Raquel: Be ready by quarter past five.

Demi: For what?

Raquel: Make sure you put on a sexy dress or I will personally rip off what ever it is that you decided to wear and toss it into the trash ;)

Laughing to myself, I rushed upstairs since I only had half an hour to get ready. Ransacking through my cupboard, I huffed out a dramatic sigh as I pulled out, probably the only dress I owned, and set it out on my bed.

Having no time to wash my hair, I quickly straightened it and clipped up a few stray pieces that kept falling in my face.

I stood in front of the dress, contemplating whether or not I should wear it. Firstly, my back would be exposed. Secondly, it would rise up my legs for the entire evening and thirdly, it would attract the wrong idea.

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