you can't scrub away ink

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"Get off me," I said back to Liam as I once again pulled away from his touch. 

Liam kept following me and I normally would be happy he was following me, but right now I wanted him just to fuck off. 

So I went to my closet exit, the girl's bathroom.

I entered the crazy, and most floral smelling building in probably all of the festival. I went to a free mirror and turned around, tugging my shorts down just to see the small script of his name. 

Maybe it was fake, maybe this entire week was a complete fake. 

I licked my fingers and started to rub, despite the pain. Nothing was coming clean, no ink smearing, nothing. 

"I don't think you'll be able to get rid of that."

I turned my head to see a girl sitting on the counter, smoking a cigarette. Her blue eyes were outlined in red and her brunette hair was mangled, her British accent messy. No doubt she was anywhere but the floor.

"I'm not talking to you." I said back blankly. I didn't want to be rude but I was pissed off enough to push my anger to center stage.

She placed her cigarette in between her lips and got up. She turned around next to me and pulled up her maxi dress exposing her bathing suit. Pushing the suit fabric to the side and within moments Liam's name was staring back at me.

"So you too," she said. 

"When…when was yours?" 

"A long time ago," she said, unraveling her dress, letting it drop to the floor. "Before Liam became Liam."

"Where you the one who started this?" 

"What? No." She inhaled and soon exhaled. "No, that person is far closer to you than what you think."

"What are you talking about?" 

She dropped her cigarette to the floor and stomped on it. "Just choose friends wisely."

"I--," I started, but she was already turned and walked out the bathroom door. Leaving me in the noisy and crowded bathroom with confused thoughts and undecided futures. 

~~Liam's POV~~

I was angry. Like always, but this time was different. I left the girl's bathroom knowing Bo would only come out once I was clear of sight, which kinda pissed me off. 

Okay so yes I'm a dick. I pushed away Boston, I rejected her, but not because of my normal reasons. Not because I'm tired of her, but for the simple reason of Harry and his tagalong girl.

I saw him now, the person I've been looking for, as he sat on a crowded couch, engulfed by people.

"You fix the problems?!" I yelled at Harry and his smile instantly vanished. "You wait for me to create the fucking problem and then you go fix it?! You are the asshole, I'm just the simple puppet." 

Harry got up from the couch and looked directly at me. "I'm not sure I understand what you're referring too. Liam, all of England--fuck, all of the world knows you are a fuck up and I'm the nice and pleasant gentleman who simply glosses the problem. Makes it look imperfect, simply to save your ass as I save mine."

"She's putting you up to this, isn't she? She's still trying to ruin anything I try to keep rebuilding." 

"Liam, no one is trying to destroy you. You are simply doing that by yourself." 

"Stop! Stop putting words into my mouth and thoughts into my head! You are the one who convinced me to push away every girl I've ever loved. You've made me mark them, so they were easy targets. But you aren't smart enough to come up with that by yourself, are you Harry? No single man could come up with such a smart plan."

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