Old Friend▫️Chapter 1

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**Clint's POV**

The avengers and I were sitting in the living room having a lazy day. Bruce was reading a book, tony was messing with his tablet. Wanda was on the couch messing with her little wisps. Steve, Thor, pietro and I were watching a movie and Natasha was somewhere. (Yes pietro is alive in this story) She said she would be back soon. The elevator door opened. I glance over to see Natasha walk out with a girl that looks close to her age maybe younger.

"Hey guys." Natasha says. We all look up except for tony. "Tony." She says but he still doesn't look up. "TONY!" She yells.

"Yeah?" He finally looks up.

"Thank you. So everyone this is my friend Y/n and she would like to get a job here." Natasha says as she gestures to the girl that I now know as Y/n. She does a small wave then drops her gaze to the floor. She must be shy. Tony stands up and walks over to Y/n. He puts his hand on his chin and circles around her.

"Yep. She'll be a great assistant to pepper." He finally says. Natasha glares at him. While Y/n still stares at the floor.

"No tony. She doesn't want to be an assistant she says she was thinking more of an agent or something more.." She says as she gestures to the avengers. Y/n slowly nods her head. But still looks at the floor.

"HA! Really, she has to be really skilled and special to be an agent, let alone an avenger." Tony says. I see her lean over to Natasha and hear her whisper something.

"He really doesn't see it does he?" She whispers. Nat shakes her head no. I then Look at what she was wearing. She had a shirt that shows of her shoulder but with loose sleeves. The shirt had a fire print on it. She also wore boot cut jeans and short black leather boots that also had fire print on it. Her hair was purple that faded into red. I think it has to do with fire.

"So if she is so special what can she do?" tony asks.

"Bruce can you get a bag of ice, Steve can I borrow your shield and meet us in the training room." Nat says then walks out of the room with Y/n right behind her. Bruce heads off to the kitchen, Steve goes to get his shield while the rest of us head to the training room.

**Natasha's POV**

Y/n walked with me to the training room. "Oh n/n (nickname) remember the plan." I ask. she nods her head. I can see her shaking. I put my hand on her back and rub her back.

"It's ok y/n you'll do fine. The avengers are kind and soon you'll be out of your shell and they can see the loud Y/n I know." I try to comfort her. She cracks a smile. We soon reach the training room and Y/n walks into the changing room to get in a more suitable outfit. While I'm waiting for Y/n Clint, pietro, Wanda, Thor and tony come in. A few seconds later Y/n comes out with black leggings with fire print on the end and a leather crop top with black boots. She walks over to me and smiles. A couple minutes later Bruce and Steve come in with ice and Steve's  shield.

"Ok thanks guys. So I'll take your shield for a bit and Bruce can you hold on to the ice for a bit also?" I ask. He nods his head and smiles. I return the smile then turn to y/n. She is already in position by the punching bag. I nod my head to her signaling that she can enter my mind. I lift the shield in front of me. I feel a little bit of pressure on the back of my head.

I took that as my cue to think of her father; he would always abuse her and her mother and her mother couldn't take it anymore and commit suicide. I also thought how she was incapable of protecting her mother. I can hear her punching the bag. I keep thinking about her past as I watch her punching the bag with more power with every hit. Soon her hands were on fire. I think of how I left her because I was taken to become an assassin.

I must have reached the point and her whole body ignited with flames. Soon the bag burst and sand went every where. I brought the shield to my chest waiting for her to attack me. I needed her to reach her full potential and that was caused with her emotions. And anger is one of them. I told her to attack me to see how she fights compared to me. Soon I feel her kick the shield, sending me flying back and hitting a wall. All the avengers had concerned looks and we're inching towards me.

I look to them and shook my head telling them to stop and not intervene. I rise to my feet and walk towards Y/n. I could see hurt and anger in her eyes. I throw a punch at her which she easily blocked. It went like this for a couple seconds until the next thing I know, I'm lying on the floor with the shield still in front of me. Y/n walks over to me and places a foot on the shield. Her body and hands were still on fire. I feel her put pressure on the shield and she forms a fireball. Her eyes turn from the normal e/c to fire red.

"BRUCE! THE ICE!?!" I yell. He tosses the bag of ice to me and I quickly take out an ice cube. I toss it in the air. Y/n gets rid of the fireball and catches the ice and pops it into her mouth. She closes her eyes and lifts her foot from the shield. I quickly get up and look to my friend. Her eyes are back to the normal e/c and she is no longer on fire. I turn to Steve and hand him his shield. He hesitantly takes it. I turn back to everyone else who all have their mouth agape. I smirk and turn to Y/n. She's smiling. I smile to.

"W-what just happened?" Tony asks. I smirk once again.

"So, still think she should be peppers assistant." He slowly shakes his head. I chuckle. Y/n walks up beside me still smiling.

"What other powers do you have?" Bruce asks. Y/n doesn't say anything. Suddenly Y/n isn't standing next to me and in her place is a five foot tall red fox. Everyone gasps. She turns back to her normal form.

"I'm a shapeshifter." She says.

"So she speaks." Tony says dramatically. Y/n smiles sheepishly and blushes.

"Is that all you can do?" Wanda asks. Y/n shakes her head no . Then she makes a fireball in both hands. She smiles.

"I also have heightened senses and telepathy." She includes. Everyone smiles and says wow or that was awesome.

She blushes and says thank you. as the avenger leave the room I say "hey, I can ask F.R.I.D.A.Y to send the footage to Fury then see what he says tomorrow." She nods her head.

"I'm so nervous" she tells me as we leave the room.

"Don't be." I say as I rub her back. She glances at me and smiles. I smile back at her. If feels good to have my childhood friend back

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