Goodbye▫️Chapter 13

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(The music is to make it seem more intense.)
**Y/n's POV**
I was training in the gym when alarms went off. I stopped what I was doing and sniffed the air. (Remember you have enhanced senses) I smelt new scents. The smelled familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it. I ran out of the training area and over to one of the agents that was running by. "Sir! Sir! What's happening?" I ask. He stopped and looked at me. He instantly recognized me as the daughter of the lead scientist. "Young Mistress," that's what they call me. "it's the Avengers." He told me and ran off. "The...Avengers?" I question myself aloud. I grinned evilly. "Finally my revenge." (Forgot to mention that your father told you that he Avengers killed your mother and brother, and brain washed your sister.)

**Time Skip**
I walked up to my father. I stood next to him as we looked out the window at what was happening. "Finally Father. I get to Avenge our family." I say. He placed his hand on my shoulder. "Yes, my daughter. Now, let's make a big entrance." He said and turned and walked away. I grinned. "Let's." I mumble and turn and walk after my father.

**3rd Person**
The Avengers ran out of the jet and out to the field. They were faced with more than 100 Hydra agents. They all took part in this fight.

Soon most of the agents were taken down and the only people left were a couple scientists holding dogs on leashes. The scientist that looked to be in charge held the largest dog on a leash. The scientists, except the lead, let off the dogs. The dogs ran at the Avengers at full speed with teeth bared. The hulk instantly swiped his fist the the side, hitting all the dogs running at the them. "Well that was anticlimactic." Tess whispered to the Avenger next to her, which happened to be Hawkeye. He chuckled a bit. They all stared at the lead scientist that seemed to be smirking. Though they couldn't tell at how far away they were standing from him. "Looks like you are all pretty strong. But I got another trick up my sleeve." He announced. The avengers all glared at him. "My strength and your weakness. Canine!" He announces and takes the leash off. The dog steps forward. It was silent for a moment as the dog sniffed the air. Then suddenly, the dog barked fiercely and started running at them. The only one preparing for the dog was the Hulk, who expected to just swipe it aside. But halfway through its trek towards them, the furious looking dog, shape shifted. The Avengers all gasp once they saw who the dog was. "Y/n?" Tess asked. Y/n didn't answer as she continued to run at them. She then shape shifted again into a seven foot tall Panther. She ran at them. She attacked the first avenger she came close to. And that just so happened to be Natasha. Natasha gasped at the contact and hurriedly took out a gun and pointed it at y/n, who she managed to throw off of herself. Y/n snarled at her childhood friend. "Natasha! Just shoot! She's not the girl you once knew!" Steve yelled. Nat looked hurt, mentally, and sighed. She shot the gun several times. In which y/n dodged all the bullets except for one. The one bullet that hit her, embedded itself in her shoulder. He roared and threw herself at Steve. He brought his shield up in front of himself. Y/n landed on the shield and scratched at hit. She managed to scratch at the red and blue paint on it. She turned and attacked at Clint. He took one of his arrows and tried to embed it in her side but she turned and bit on it. She broke it.
They fought their friend. She changed her form many times, making it harder. "Y/n! Why are you working for that man?!" Tess yelled.  "Wow! Tess, forgetting your own father." Y/n snarled. The avengers gasped. Pietro sped next to y/n. "Come on y/n. Don't do this. Don't you remember all those memories. Your father betrayed you." He said. Y/n turned to him and threw a fire ball at him. "Your the ones that betrayed me!" She yelled. Wanda entered y/n's head. Y/n had nothing to hide so she didn't push her out. Wanda gasped. "She was tricked and they took her memories." She told them. They all looked at y/n again with worry. Y/n seemed to be weakening. Pietro sped next to her again. "Come on y/n. Remember. We didn't betray you. Your father tricked you and changed your memories. Come on come back to us. To me. Come on y/n. We love you. I...I love you." He said. Y/n turned to him again. She stayed silent. "Pietro...I...I think it's cute that you think that will work." She laughed and made a huge fire ball and aimed it at Pietro. He didn't move. He was surprised and hurt. Suddenly y/n was smacked by the hulk and thrown at a wall nearby. Everyone ran over. She was all drained of her power. She took out a bottle. "Thanks for the fight guys. But I will forever stay by my fathers side. I get to see my mother and brother. The people you killed." She said with venom dripping from the words she spoke. She took pills from the bottle and ate them. "All hail... Hydra." She said and closed her eyes. Bruce turned back to himself and ran over to her. He put to fingers to her neck and took her pulse. He sighed and turned to them. He shook her head. Tess burst into tears and grasped Natasha. The Avengers all left. They were all depressed about the loss of their friend.

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