BUCKY?!▫️Chapter 8

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**Y/n's POV**

I woke up the next morning and thought of what happened last night. "Oh great. I'm going to have a lot of questions to answer." I changed my clothes and went down the elevator and into the kitchen. Everyone looked up at me. "You ok?" Bruce asked and I nodded. Then the elevator dinged and a dark skinned guy walked out. I rose an eyebrow. "Hey guys." He said and took a seat at the table. Tess and I looked at him, not knowing who he was. All the rest of the avengers did nothing so I assumed they know him. He then looked at me and Tess. We weren't sitting at the table seen as we just came down stairs. He rose an eyebrow. Finally everyone else realised that we still did not know each other. "Oh girls, this is Sam Wilson. He's an avenger, Sam meet Y/n and Tess. Y/n is a new Avenger and Tess is her sister." Bruce introduces us. He nods. "I take it you don't have powers." Tess says to him. He nods. "And I take it you two do." He says back. We nod and sit down. Then I realize something. "Where's Thor?" I ask. "He went back to Asgard to bring his brother here. I guess you get to meet him too." Clint says. "Tess, today we can go to the store and get you some clothes." Natasha tells her and she nods. Then another thing dawned on me. "Tony, what is today?" I ask. "June 30." He answers. I smirk and look at Tess. 'Tess, we get to show Sam what happens every month.' I say to her in her mind. She smirks too. We both continued eating our cereal.

During lunch, we heard the elevator ding. Thor walked out with a man behind him. The man had black slicked back hair and wore green, black and gold clothing. We locked eyes. "Lady Y/n and Lady Tess, this is my brother Loki. Brother this is Lady Y/n and Lady Tess." Thor says. Tess and I shake hands with him. Tess and I sat on the couch and watched Lord of The Rings. (Best movie series EVER) Pietro came in and sat next to me. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. "Hey Y/n want to go spar in the gym." Pietro asks me. More butterflies appear in my stomach. I nod my head. He gets up and I follow him out of the room. 'Have fun' Tess says to me in my head. My head snaps to look at her and I glare at her. We walk down the hall. Pietro and I are on the right side of the hall way. Pietro and I pass steve and a guy that was walking by him. "Hi Bucky." I say. "Hi y/n." He replies. I continue to walk. Wait..BUCKY?! I walk backwards and I see he does the same. "Bucky? Is that really you?" I ask. He nod. A smile covers my face. He brings me into a hug.

**Pietro's POV**

Steve and I stood off to the side while Bucky and Y/n hugged each other. I started to feel uncomfortable and I felt this feeling in the pit of my stomach. I wanted so much to grab Y/n's arm and pull her away from him. Soon they pull apart. "It's so good to see you." Y/n said and he nodded. "Wait how do you know each other?" Asks Steve. "Hydra." They answer. They laugh at how they said it at the same time. "Later explain to me what happened." Y/n said and he nodded. She walked back over to me and we continued to the training room.

After training we both had a couple scratches and bruises on our bodies. We walked to the kitchen. Y/n grabbed an apple and sat down she started to talk to Bucky. "So explain what happened." Y/n said. He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by everyone getting a message saying that we have a mission.

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