Thor!▫️Chapter 17

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▫️◻️Later in the day◻️▫️

It was getting really late and I was helping clean up the dining room. The only ones in the room were me, Alex, Logan, Thor and some of the other kids. Thor hadn't got back to his room because the kids kept wanting to talk to him.

I walked over to them. "Come on kids. Leave Thor alone. He probably wants to go to sleep now." I said. They groaned. "Nonsense! I enjoy their company! Come! Join our conversation lady h/n!" Thor boomed.

I shook my head no. "No thanks. I still need to clean." I said and turned to Logan. "Logan go to bed! And bring your cigarettes with you! Your ruining my lungs!" I yell. He rolls his eyes and walks out of the dining room. Alex laughed at Logan.

"So Thor. What's with your hammer?" One of the kids asks. Thor smiles. "Good question!" He picks it up. "It can only be lifted by those worthy enough. And whomever lifts it rules Asgard!" Thor boomed and laughed. All the kids wanted to lift it.

Thor laughed and set it down. "Go right ahead!" He says happily. All the kids try to pick it up but fail. Alex also tries but fails. "Ms. Y/n! You try!" One says. I froze when they said my real name. The kids start changing "Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!" Thor looks at me.

"Is that your name fair maiden?" He asks. I look at Alex. "Just go ahead." He says and smirks. 'Traitor!' I yell in his head. I sigh. "Yeah. That's me. Hi Thor. It's good to see you again." I say in a monotone voice. Thor smiles and brings me into a bone crushing hug.

He pulls away. "But why do you look like this?" He asks. I sigh once again. "When I found out you guys were here I shape shifted to look like this." I explained and he nodded. "Let's go tell the others!" He yells and grabs my wrist.

I pull out of his grip. "Thor! No! I can't let them find out. They probably hate me for turning against them and would probably hate me even more for lying to them and starting a new life. And even if they didn't hate me, I don't want to put them in danger. Because that's what happened the last time I came into your guys' lives. I put you all in danger. I don't want to do it again. And besides, I like it here." I told him.

He turned to look at me. "So you don't want them to know?" He asks. "I don't want them to know. So will you please keep quiet about this?" I ask. "You have my word lady y/n!" He says. "Thank you Thor."

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