NO!▫️Chapter 5

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**3rd Person**

Y/n was happy to let out her past to her friends. Yet she was drove into depression over her brother's death. Because of her training she was able to hide it from her friends. She would occasionally cut. It was too hard for her knowing that if she was with her brother all these years she would know him better and could have saved him. She could have saved her mother too. She wished she could have been there but doesn't know where he has been all those years of her life. She was in deep depression. She wore darker clothes and wouldn't come out of her all that often.

**Pietro's POV**

Y/n hasn't been coming out of her room. We all have been becoming very worried about her but Natasha says that she's just getting over her brother's death. "Avengers come to Director Fury's Office Now." Maria said into our earpieces. We all get up from the living room and start heading out. "Hey has anyone seen Y/n." Clint said. We all look around and didn't see her. "She would have heard it in her earpiece too. We're permitted to always wear it." Bruce said. "Wanda read her thoughts and see where she is." Natasha said. Wanda does what she was told and brings her fingers up to her temple. Her eyes widen. "Pietro get to her room NOW! And meet us in the Office." She orders me. I nod my head and speed to her room. As I'm running, thoughts are running through my head.

**Y/n's POV**

I couldn't take Max's death any longer. I wanted to be with my mother and my brother. I brought the knife up to my neck. Before I could do anything my bedroom door was slammed open. There stood Pietro. When he saw what I was about to do he ran to me with his super speed and took the knife from my hand. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He yells at me. Tears threaten to spill and I don't hold them back. I collapse on my knees and bury my head in my hands and continue to sob. "I..I c..can't this any...anymore." I said in between sobs. He places the knife on my desk and kneels down beside me. He places a hand on my back and rubs it. Soon my sobs quiet down and he helps me stand up. I sit on my bed and look up at him. Worry is written all over his face. I bury my head in my hands again. He sits next to me. My breathing starts to calm and he helps me stand. "T-Thank you." I say quietly but loud enough for him to hear. He brings me into a hug. "Promise me, and the rest of the Avengers, that you will never do that again. We care too much about you." He says. I nod my head. "I promise. Thank you. Thank you for saving me and being here for me." I say to him. He furrows his eyebrows. "Why wouldn't I?" He asks me. I shrug my shoulders. He chuckles and lets me go from the hug. "Now. We need to get to Fury's Office." He says. I nod and grab my earpiece and put it on. He grabs the knife and runs to the kitchen and puts it away. He runs back up to me. When he comes up I shift into a cheetah. He chuckles. "Let's race." He says. I nod and take off. "HEY!" he exclaims and takes off after me. But what he doesn't know is that because of not being a real cheetah and having heightened senses, I can run twice and fast as a normal cheetah.

Soon we reached Fury's Office. Before walking in, I changed back to my Human form. When we walked in all heads turned to me and Pietro. Suddenly my shyness took over and I looked down. My shoes became very interesting. "Glad to see that you finally joined us." Fury said. "Did you tell them?" I asked Wanda through her mind. "No" She replied. Thank you." she nods her head.

**Time Skip**

The meeting was just to make sure that we are all fit and ready for any attacks. We were all walking back to the main living room. I turned into a Hawk and took perch on Clint's shoulder so He would have to carry me. Everyone chuckled at the thought of a Hawk on Hawkeye's shoulder. "Looks like you're not the only Hawkeye." Tony said. I let out a caw. Soon we reached the living room. I got off of Clint's shoulder and turned into an Eagle and flew around Steve. Steve tried walking away from me but I would just follow him. Soon he gave up and sat on the couch. I took perch on his head. Everyone cracked up laughing while Steve was only chuckling. I got off of Steve's head turned into my Human form. I sat next to Natasha. She whispered something in my ear and I broke out in a smile. She told me that Tony has had a bad rep with Crows. I had a mischievous smirk. I turned into a crow when Tony wasn't looking and flew up to him. I came level with his face and when he turned around he screamed like a little girl. I changed back and was laughing really hard. Everyone was except for Tony who was just glaring at me. "Oh it's on Y/n" He says to me. I stop laughing and manage to pull a straight face and look at him. He points at the ground. "This. Means. War!" he says. I playfully glare at him. "It's On." I repeat to him. He glares at me and walks out of the room. I turn to the others. "I think I'm supposed to be afraid." I say. Everyone laughs.

**Y/n's POV**

For two weeks, Tony and I have had a prank war. He would use his suits to creep up on my but with my heightened senses, I could sense them. I would creep up on him in different animals. One time I put a prank on Natasha but looking like Tony. She thought he did it and got a beating from her. It was hilarious. So far I have been winning the war but there haven't been many missions which is kinda boring. Speaking of missions Maria, Agent Hill, just walked in along with Director Fury. "We have another mission for you guys." Maria said. They now had all our attention. "Hydra has another experiment and we need to get them." Fury then said. They placed a folder on the coffee table in front of us. "When you're done reading through this meet us in my office." Fury said and the two walked out. Steve picked up the folder and started to read aloud the facts we know about the person. "It's a girl. Age 19. Experimented on. Family is unknown. That is all that was known." I sigh. A couple pairs of eyes fall on me. "What's wrong Lady Y/n?" Thor asked me. I looked up to meet everyone's eyes. "I feel sorry that that girl had to go through what I did. No one should ever go through that." I said. Everyone looks at me with pity. "Well we should get to Fury's office." I said trying to change the subject. Everyone stands up and walks with me to Fury's office.

**Time Skip**

We were waiting in a jet on our way to the Hydra base. "Get ready." Clint back to us. I kept taking deep breaths preparing myself. Soon the jet landed and we all ran out. We were met with about 25 Hydra agents. We went straight to fighting. 3 guys came straight for me and I turned into a 7 foot tall Tiger. I attacked the first one and killed him. I took the second in between my jaws and threw him off the building. I look at the third, His eyes were wide. He jumped off the building himself, not wanting to be in between my jaws. I smirk. "Wow. Easy Tiger." Tony said into the earpiece. I turn back into my human form and chuckle. "Hey we still have decided on a name for me." I remind them. Everyone agrees. "Maybe....Foxy." Tony suggest. "Um...NO!" I reply. He groans. "How about Flame Fox." Natasha. "Hey I like it." Everyone agrees. Soon we approach a cell. It's the exact one they put me in when they tested on me. I wince at the memory. "I'm going in, you guys all stay out here." I say. "What? No!" Tony disagrees. "Tony, she can relate to this girl and can calm her. She can go inside herself." Natasha defends. Tony Huffs. "Fine." He says. I take a deep breath and open the cell door. I walk inside and and close the door behind me. It automatically becomes pitch black. I create a flame to see. I take a look around the room to see a girl with neon blue, neon green and white hair. She wore ripped black jeans, a dirty tank top and a peacock crop top. Her hair was matted and knotted and her whole body was covered in dirt. She was huddled in the corner, shaking. "Hello?" I ask. Her head snaps towards me. I could now see her face. My eyes widened.

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