Visions▫️Chapter 9

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**Y/n's POV**

Our mission was to go to one of Hydra's bases and shut it down. Clint landed the plane and we all ran out. It was going pretty well when I saw movement in my peripheral vision. I spun around and punched the figure but was blocked. When I could get a good look at the figure my eyes widened. There in front of me stood Sarah. She worked as an agent at Hydra. When I was younger and stayed in a cell at Hydra when I would get emotional and break down she would always come and calm me down. She was like a mother figure to me at Hydra.

Sarah kept coming at me. "Come on Sarah. It's me Y/n. Please stop. Don't you remember me?" I asked. I kept trying to jog her memory. She then threw a punch I wasn't expecting at me. She punched hard enough for me to loose balance and fall down on the ground. Sarah took a gun and pointed it at me. She was about to pull the trigger when she was pushed against a wall. I look over to see Bruce or The Hulk running from the scene to another place to help out. I look back over at Sarah. The impact was so strong it could kill her. I ran over to her and cradled her head. She tried grabbing her gun but I kicked it away from the 2 of us. She was taking her last breaths then muttered her last words. "Hail Hydra." She said then closed her eyes and took her last breath. I got up only to stumble back down to the ground. Pictures of the past kept clouding my mind. They would appear then disappear. Finally they stopped and I opened my eyes. No one was around me. I left the building and saw that the rest of the Avengers were done and the jet was gone. They left me here. I was alone. I turned into a giant Phoenix and flew back to Avengers Tower. As I was leaving I heard a loud explosion. I turned and saw the base exploding. "Tony." I mutter. I landed on a balcony and changed back. (Everyone who came to the mission: Clint, Natasha, Pietro, Steve, Tony, Bruce, Sam and Y/n.) I walked into the Living Room.

**Natasha's POV**

After we were done we all got back on the Jet. "I feel like we are missing something." Clint says. We all look around when Pietro's go wide. "Where's Y/n?" He asks. Everyone's eyes go wide. "We have to get her." Pietro says. "Yeah about that, I kinda set a bomb in the Base so they couldn't come back here, and we don't have time to get her." Tony says. "WHAT?!" I yell. "Come on, we need to go. She can probably get out now. She has a better chance of surviving than the rest of us. We need to go." Steve says. Clint starts the jet and we take off.

Soon we get the Avenger's Tower. We all walk into the Living room and See Tess  sitting next to Pepper. "Hey guys, Pepper took me shopping and... WHERE'S y/n?!" She yells. I sigh. "Well Tony decided to blow up Hydra's Base with Y/n inside. We couldn't have gotten her or we would have died." I answer. "SO YOU LET HER DIE!" She yells. "She had a better chance of surviving. She's stronger than us." Steve intervened. Tess collapsed on the couch and buried her head in her hands. Then we hear someone walk in. "Oh wow. Thanks guys for leaving me ALL ALONE THERE!" Y/n exclaims while walking off of the balcony. She glares at Tony. "Really Tony, you just HAD to blow up the base didn't you." She says angrily. Tony places his hand on his chest in fake hurt. "Why do you think it was me?" He asked with fake innocence. Y/n rose an eyebrow. He sighs. "Yeah you got a point." He says and sits on the couch. Sam had a look of confusion. "What's wrong Sam?" I ask. "How did she survive and how did she end up on the Balcony?" He asked. Y/n just shrugged. "I just flew away." She answered. He still had a look of confusion. "Oh, oh, let me guess. A hawk. No an eagle. Oh a Falcon." Tony said. She shook her head no and shape shifted into a Phoenix. Tony just stared at her. "You can do mythical creatures too?!" He asked. The phoenix nodded. "That's so COOL!" He yelled. Sam's eyes widened. "Everything makes sense now." He said and I chuckled. Y/n turned back to a human and laughed too.

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